(Ch Astasia Heico AZ/ Ch Albata Wicki AZ)
Nikkis Quality winning progeny are no fluke! She follows in the tradition of her producing motherline (combining this with the producing lines of the sires of her progeny). Her mother Wicki and grandmother Mica also produced quality progeny and her half sister via her dam Wicki has also produced quality winning progeny including Chayessa Gemica National Int Winner & RCC. Nikki has had 3 National progeny place getters from 3 litters and her dam Wicki is the grand dam of two National Winners (so far). Her prepotency as a dam is evident!
Nikkis show results
3rd Jnr Bitch 2004 National
more results to follow
ALBATA ANGELINA AZ BS CL 1 (Sire Cayos vd Noriswand)

1st Jnr Bitch 2011 National (Lothar Quoll SV Germany)
6th Open Bitch 2012 National (Heinz Scheerer SV Germany)
5th Open Bitch 2013 National (C. Ludwig SV Germany)
Full Show results
Best Minor Puppy (Jenny Yuen) 2010
Best Minor Puppy (Freddie Christensens. Germany) 2010
Best Minor Puppy (Fiona Andersen. UK) 2010
Puppy Siegerin Qld State Breed (Carol O'Rourke) 2010
Best in Show (Karen Hedberg) 2011
1st Int GSDCQ (Peter Arth SV Germany) 2011
1st Int GSDCQ (Helmut Konig Germany) 2011
Best In Show GSDL 2011
1st Int GSDL 2011
1st Int ACTGSD (C.Ludwig Gmy) 2011
2nd Int ACTGSD 2011
1st Open Bitch & Challenge (Mike Bradley NZ) 2012
Best In Show (Joe Summherhill UK) 2012
Best of Breed (Greg Green) 2012
ALBATA CHAKIRA AZ BS CL 1 (Sire Cayos vd Noriswand)

6th Jnr Bitch National 2012 (Heinz Scheerer SV Gmy)
ALBATA HAVANNAH AZ BS CL 1 (Sire Toby vd Plassenberg)

4th Minor Bitch National 2013 (C. Ludwig SV Gmy)
3rd Minor Bitch GSDCV (Imran Husain Pakistan)
1st Puppy Bitch GSDL (Ian Urie)
1st Junior Bitch ACTGSDC
ALBATA XAVIERA AZ BS CL 1 (Sire Kwint Juerikstall)
this page is still being updated for further tweeking and any corrections