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  Name : Ali
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Dogzonline
Comments : We lost our beautiful Dane in April 2023 and we are left woth a big hole in our hearts. He was our 2nd Dane and both were very troubled souls whom we loved unconditionally. We are ready to open our hearts to another but feel that this time not a Dane we need a different breed. We have always loved Newfies, although never owned one so we have been reading and researching about the breed and health of Newfies. Came across your site and adorable dogs. Would love to know more about them firsthand to make sure we would be able to provide and care for a beautiful puppy.
Date : 2-Mar-24

  Name : Kailah
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Dogzonline
Comments : Fellow gentle giant lover (Great Danes and mastiffs have been my heart dogs). I am looking at something different to heal the broken heart.
Date : 17-Jul-23

  Name : Kat Flannery
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Dogzonline
Comments : Your dog's are adorable!
Date : 19-Apr-23

  Name : Jasmin D
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Dogzonline
Comments : Your dogs are beautiful ,I think I love gabby the most) and your family sounds like and amazing place to raise a puppy.
Date : 17-Mar-23

  Name : Sergio
Web Site :
Country : Indonesia
How you found us : website eurobreeder
Comments : Amazing breed! Would like to visit your kennel someday.
Date : 21-Jan-23

  Name : Jasmin
Web Site : http://dogzonline
Country : Australia
How you found us : Dogzonline
Comments : Your an amazing breeder, your dogs are so beautiful
Date : 1-Jan-23

  Name : Deb
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : dogzonline
Comments : We have had several dogs over the years, Irish Settler and beagles & are now looking for another dog to join our family. We are looking for a large dog, but gentle and affectionate and the Newfy (I am Canadian) ticks all the boxes.
Date : 30-Dec-22

  Name : Hayley Anderson
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Dogz Online
Comments : Looking for a pup to join our family. Have had two labs (at the same time from pups so understand the need for training and socialising), german shepherds and now we have a lovely Shelti who is getting on and needs a friend to pass her wisdom onto. Hope you've had a great Christmas and wishing you a successful 2023.
Date : 28-Dec-22

  Name : Allison CONNOR
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : google
Comments : Searching for Newfie fur baby. First Newfie 1978-1993 then Landseer 2009 2022. All fam love newfies and treated as family member, used to large breads and work required. newfies hold a special place in our hearts. Very keen for puppy or waitlisting. Thanks Allison
Date : 19-Dec-22

  Name : Felicity Clarke
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Dogzonline
Comments : Looking for a new addition to our family. I have do extensive research for a few years and understand what it take to raise one of these beautiful puppies. I own two ragdolls and know exactly what daily brushing requires oh and very split. Wondering if you have any puppies available or could be added to a waitlist. I have sent an email but I am sure you are inundated with puppy inquiries. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you Flick
Date : 7-Nov-22

  Name : Danyelle
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Dogsonline
Comments : We have a 2yr old Bernese Mountain Dog and are looking to get her a little brother 😁 we live in a regional town on 5acres. We also have a 11yo Birman cat - so very used to grooming and hair.
Date : 9-Oct-22

  Name : Naomi
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Browsing the web
Comments : Absolutely gorgeous! My son would love one for a furry companion.
Date : 6-May-22

  Name : Lee Baker
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Dogzonline
Comments : The only thing better than a nufie is two nufies...... We are currently looking for new nufie boy (puppy or rescue) as a family member and a companion for our 12 month old nufie girl. We are looking for a family memberto love and cherish but do not want to breed or show them. They must love water and the beach ( i know unheard of lol a nufie not liking water). We would need a couple of days to drive down from Qld for pick up but it would be worth it. Please let me know if you can assist in out search.
Date : 23-Mar-22

  Name : sarah Dowe
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Roaming the net for Newfies
Comments : love your photos of Newfies, I would love one of your dogs, only a days drive away to collect a beautiful puppy.
Date : 9-Jan-22

  Name : Aldebaran Gray
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Dogzonline
Comments : Hi Leah & Andrew Just wanting to say hi, and also to ask if you would have any puppies available soon? We have previously owned a Newfie, and just adore the breed ❤️ We live on acreage in Armidale NSW, close to the state forest and dog walking trails. Hoping to hear from you soon Kind Regards Aldebaran [email protected]
Date : 1-Dec-21

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Contact Details
Leah Jaques
Adelaide Hills, SA, Australia
Phone : 0413688321
Email : [email protected]

Dogz Online - Dogs, Breeders, Puppies