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Home Of The Brothers (Sc ) Ch. Debbar Quall AZ Bscl Multi Excellent Graded Excellent Merit QLD State Breed Show 2024 (Lsc) Ch. Debbar Quacker AZ Bscl Multi Excellent Graded Excellent 1st Open Dog QLD State Breed Show 2024 Home of Aust Champion Debbar Porsche 'A"Z' BSCL1 Multi Excellent Merit Best Bitch In Qld Three years In a Row sadly lost Porsche on the 06/08/2013 and will be sadly missed never forgotten And her beautiful G G grandsons Litter Brothers Quacker and Quall doing her proud... Let me Introduce myself I have been a member of the Canine Control Council Qld, & German Shepherd Dog Club of Qld since 1993 My first dog was mozart who was was excellent at obedience But we all have to start somewhere,since then I bought my Foundation Bitch Tiffany From Astasia Kennels. I have gone though all Schemes with the club making sure I get all dogs hips and elbows exrayed and pass. also breed surveyed which consists of the conformation of the dog and gun and crowd tested Also now all my dogs are DNA Tested. I have done Obedience with some of my dogs and with the help of Norma Deacon who Has got the Obedience titles on two of my dogs. My First litter was 1999 For the short time I have been breeding I feel I have done very well. For our Qld National in 2005 I Had 4 Dogs on the Pegs, At that national I got Presented with a Bronze medal From National Council For ten Dogs Passing with AZ Stamps,which means they have passed with there hips and elbows. Then in 2009 Qld national I got presented with silver medal which is 25 dogs passed with there hips and elbows. I now have my gold Medal Presented at our July Champ show Qld 2019. Which I'm very proud of. In the Breed survey scheme I have 47 Breed Survey Classified I have also Bred 30 Australian Champions. One neuter champion Debbar more wishes owner Ms G Perkins one CDX ET Abba owned by myself and Trained and handled by Mrs N Deacon. And one U D TDX by Debbar Grande who is owned and trained by Mr T E Telford and Mrs C G Pethers. and Three CD Titled And now bred a beautiful bitch Aust Ch. Debbar Porsche 'A"Z'won Intermediate Bitch Class at Qld National 2009 Qld State breed 2010 Siegerin
And now presented at the July Qld champ show 2019 have now got the gold medal for hips and elbows having more than 50 Passed
I'm Now Proud to Announce That Debbar Kennels Won The Breeders Group For Qld State Breed Show ,2007, 2008,2010, 2019,2022
Debbie O'Keefe Warwick, QLD, Australia Phone : mbl 0417 739 806 Email : [email protected] |