Gershopoin and Typhoone Gundogs and Terriers

Welcome to GERSHOPOIN and TYPHOONE Kennels home on the internet.

We strive to breed and maintain the true working ability of the German Shorthaired and the English Pointer, and our website will showcase the dogs we have been fortunate to have in our life.

We have included some information about ourselves, and you can read that here.

We also share our lives with some delightful English PointersSmooth Fox Terriers and Jack Russell Terriers.

We have a great passion for the breed, and we hope that our site will give you an insight to our vision, and our hopes and plans for the future.

We hope you enjoy our site, and that you come back and visit us again soon.

All suggestions for improvements welcome, please drop us a line, or leave your mark in our Guestbook.

Logo picture is of SUPREME CH Rhyll Hats off To Calvin; CH Hollybrook Tommy Dazzler; SUPREME CH Blackfox Nadal

Jack Russell  babies arrived 12 June 2024

find us on facbook Typhoone Terrier and Gundogs


This website updated 11/09/2023


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 Borzoi's    Jack Russell Puppies    English Pointer Puppies    Fox Terrier Puppies 



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Dogz Online - Dogs, Breeders, Puppies