Noell vom Suentelstein
Noell vom Suentelstein (Ger)
SG 8 Intermediate Seiger Show 2008
Sire: VA 1 Vegas du Haut Mansard Sch3 Kk1 Dam: VA Celin vom Suentelstein Sch3 Kk1
Noell's Critique from the Seiger show 2009 Over medium size, strong, substantial, dry and firm. Very good body proportions, in particular the height to length proportions are excellent. Noell has a strong and masculine head with very good expression. The very good topline is formed from a high, well situated wither and a long straight back. The long croup is sloping. He is very well angulated in the fore and hindquarters. With regard to depth and length, his powerful brisket area is very well developed. In addition the shoulder blade and also the upper arm are in correct relationship to each other. The movement coming and going is sound with a clean front and very good set-in elbows and firm hocks. Noell demonstrates harmonious movement with free front reach and very effective hind thrust. His optimum construction of the forehand and his even movement in every required aspect is faultless and his well maintained balance cannot be criticized. We have secured a limited amount of breedings to this dog and the semen is now available in Australia to selected females!
So for those discerning breeders who are interested in securing semen from Noell for their females, you are welcome to contact us for further details on cost etc. The semen is currently stored at Vineyard Veterinary Clinic, Vineyard NSW which can faciliate the inseminations.
We have used the semen and have had a litter of 3 males and 3 females!
For Noell's Breed Survey, his full Show Record and Health Reports and Further Photos contact us.
Dr R Zammit and JL Carroll Vineyard, NSW, Australia Phone : +61412980580 Email : [email protected] |