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Name : Frances J. Tinney
Web Site :
Country : USA
How you found us : Internet
Comments : Your dogs are beautiful. I am looking for a healthy and responsibly, breed Australian Terrier puppy, first as a companion but, one I may want to show later. I have a large securely fenced yard. I have always had a dog but, last year my dog of 13 years died. It is now time to get another companion. I have allergies and an Aussie would be able to be in the house with me. The grooming I can do myself. I am retired and have much free time to devote to a dog. In visiting your web site it seems you do sometimes sell to people in the USA. I hope you will consider contacting me about an Aussie. Either one from one of your litters or recommending another responsible breeder. I would prefer a female. I have researched this breed and feel an Aussie would be a great fit. I took me a lot of trying on the Internet to get to Australia, to contact you. As the contact for the Australian Terrier Club of Victoria I thought it best to contact you. You felt would be the person of knowledge about obtaining a puppy from Australia. Looking forward to your answer. Sincerely, Frances
Date : 19-Jul-23
Name : H Nielsen
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : internet
Comments : Hi. we have had Aussie 'Blue' Terriers as pets (never shown) for many years. Our 1st lived for 18 years, the last unfortunately had an internal growth and internal bleeding and had to be put to sleep last week. She was in her 9th year. We love the breed. They are loving, happy and good with children. We live on 5 acres in Emerald Victoria and have enclosed home fence. We want another Australian Terrier and hope you can advise where we can purchase a puppy please? Hope to hear from you. Many thanks. H
Date : 6-Oct-20
Name : Tom Pollock
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Dogs online web page
Comments : I am inquiring about purchasing a show puppy from you early next year
Date : 23-Nov-19
Name : David Box & Family
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Simba is one of your dogs
Comments : Simba (Zimba) is now 4.5 years old and he has been such a brilliant family member. Chases mice, possums and hates cats (good taste). Always knows how you feel. Playful and often very naughty (in a good way). Thank you sooo much for allowing him into our lives.
Date : 12-Mar-18
Name : Barry Giddins
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : My dog's pedigree
Comments : Until recently I owned a handsome little Aussie, also named Ned, who was one of the offspring of Rivenoak Strykapose & Tineetown Thisis Blue born 22/12/2005. Ned's recent passing has left a large void in our household and although he will be a hard act to follow personality wise, I would like to enquire as to whether you are still breeding Aussies and if there will be any pups with bloodlines from Rivenoak Strykapose available in future?
Date : 28-Aug-17
Name : William Wade
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Internet
Comments : We made a wonderful extension to our family when we received our first family dog from you rebel glen jive time (Ned). in 1976 i think. We enjoyed 14 wonderful years with Ned. Our kids were just ankle biters then and now have their own family and pets. We are in our 60's now and would love to purchase another Aussie if you are still breeding. This time around we would like to go for a red. Do not care how long we need to wait.
Date : 13-Aug-17
Name : Dianne
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Internet
Comments : "Flying Frieda" aka Frieda Tuppence came into our lives in 2009 she is the most adorable loving little soul we have been blessed with. Thankyou Rebelglen she is our girl whom we ate so proud of.
Date : 1-Apr-16
Name : Stuart McKenzie
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : previous purchase
Comments : Hi All
Ned came to use from Rebelglen back in 2003 - I believe he was born Christmas eve of that year. We lost him last week, we believe to poisoning and we're still heart broken. He was such a beautiful boy and loving dog - we miss him terribly.
Date : 22-Mar-15
Name : Marg and Garry Chapman
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us :
Comments : We bought a brother and sister from you over 13 years ago. Their parents were Skye and Gilbert. Our hearts are broken as we have said goodbye to our little boy last week. His sister passed 18 months ago. Our little Aussie Terriers brought us such joy and love. Nothing could ever replace them. Thank you so much
Date : 31-May-14
Name : Val Robertson
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Have had 3 of your dogs over time
Comments : The last two dogs we have from you remain much loved & admired. Jim came to us as a pup (Alizarin, arrived March 2005) & Susie (Scarlet Alizaran), a darling who we rehoused for you in 2006 when she was 6.
Both are wonderful dogs, great personalities and just adorable. Susie is showing her age now but Jim remains fit & well. Both insist walking a few km every day is essential. Just keeping breeding red Aussies into the distant future, please.
Date : 1-Feb-14
Name : Elizabeth Christie
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : years ago .. word of mouth
Comments : Hi Jim and John
El Trasgo (Trasco) and Miski are now 8 and 6 respectively! They are still lovely active affectionate little dogs. Trasco would like to be exclusively a house dog with occasional trips to the beach, whereas Miski is a dog's dog and a born hunter.
Aussies are wonderful little dogs - independent, curious, loyal, and all in a small dog package!
Elizabeth & Dogs
Date : 9-Nov-13
Name : john o'brien
Web Site :
Country :
How you found us :
Comments : I bought a female red aussie from you 3/5/2003 alizarin copper jewels my male dog kinderscout blue steel born 20/7/1999 died today my best friend as my dogs only family just want to tell you 2 good blokes been in qld 4 years now can move back to victoria
Date : 5-Oct-13
Name : Iris Coppe
Web Site : http://www.vond-den-grauen-anfurten.nl
Country : Netherland
How you found us : http://www.dogzonline.com.au/breeds/breeders/austr
Comments : You are breeding the Aussies I'm looking for.
Date : 18-Aug-13
Name : Aaron
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Internet
Comments : We are extremely lucky and blessed, we visited Jim and John about 3 months and picked up our new puppy (Max) red australian terrier. He is so happy and full of joy, he's a absolute pleasure to welcome to our family and look forward to the many years ahead :-) we could not ask or want for any other puppy/dog, we are so surprised there are not more Aussie terriers around as they are a wonderful addition to any loving family, they are very smart, loyal, alert, lots of fun and loving,
Jim and John are truly wonderful guys with the best dogs in Australia! I hope you continue you great work, truly awesome!!! Thank you so much for letting us add max to our family,
p.s. ill send some pics of him later to let you see how he's going.
All the best to you guys! Cheers
Date : 4-Jul-13
Name : David
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : website
Comments : Hamish came home with us some 8/9 years ago and we would not be without him. Excellent temperament, good alarm system for anyone coming up the front drive - he is a delight. Thank you.
Date : 7-Jun-13
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