Guest Book

Please feel free to sign my guestbook to let me know you visited!

  Name : Claudia Jack
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Dogzonline
Comments : I love your website, I am really interested in buying a shih tzu in the next 4 months as this is my first dog and I need a lot of different puppy supplies.
Date : 27-Oct-21

  Name : Jeanie Telfer
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : dogz on line
Comments : love your web site, Im a shih tzu lover
Date : 8-Jan-17

  Name : Monique
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : dog online
Comments : Thank you Robyn for allowing the gorgeous Ellie to share our lives, we just love our "wild child" :) she brings such joy into our lives on a daily basis she is a special little dog. Lovely web site and of course lovely dogs.
Date : 21-Nov-16

  Name : Joan Millen
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Website search on Google
Comments : Hi Robyn thank you for a very informative website, you do an amazing job, my mind is definitely made up, look forward to owning one of your gorgeous puppies, purely for companionship, to love and give lots of cuddles too. I appreciate you getting back to me so promptly re my enquiry on availability of puppies, thank you very much.
Date : 27-Mar-16

  Name : Greg & Julie
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Net
Comments : Our baby Bear is now 3 yo. To say he has changed our lives is an understatement. How can something give and receive so much love. Thank you Robyn for this precious little gift.
Date : 25-Jan-16

  Name : Naomi
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : internet
Comments : I have a tzutique boy named Harry, he is almost a year old. He's a great little dog, very loving, happy, fun and oh so handsome. He's got spunk, he's protective of us and sleeps on my five years kids bed every night until she goes to sleep. He loves food, sticks, soccer and bean bags in that order and we love him! Thank you for such a beautiful boy Robyn.
Date : 11-Aug-14

  Name : Colleen McLennan
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Searched Shih Tzu breeders in Qld on Internet
Comments : Thank you Robyn for our beautiful four year old boy. He has brought much joy to our lives. Our pledge to you is to love and care for him always.....this will be our great pleasure.
Date : 30-Sep-13

  Name : Mike Pelletier
Web Site :
Country : US
How you found us : on the web
Comments : i like youre page.
Date : 19-Apr-13

  Name : Kezia Wilson
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : dogzonline
Comments : looking forward to owning my very own shih tzu xx
Date : 12-Feb-13

  Name : Kris
Web Site :
Country : Denmark
How you found us : Google
Comments : Very nice website, thx
Date : 8-Dec-12

  Name : Greer Henneberry
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : website
Comments : I have a TZUTIQUE puppy. Lizzi. She is the most loving,special,crazy puppy and I could not live without her. Lizzi mended my broken heart and I am anxiously awaiting a new arrival from Robyn soon. Lizzi will love her new playmate and I will have another one to share the love. The most beautiful puppies come from beautiful parents and caring responsible breeders.Thanks Robyn.
Date : 14-Jul-12

  Name : Nat
Web Site :
Country : France
How you found us : surfing the web
Comments : Very beautiful shih tzu. I wish you many victories in show.Regards from France
Date : 15-Apr-12

  Name : Rebecca
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : dogz online
Comments : How lovely to see a well set out site with gorgeous dogs. I was blessed with 11 years with my little shih tzu and I can't believe how big a hole there is in my days without her. Until you own one of these loving little ratbags you don't realise how much of your heart a dog can steal!
Date : 10-Dec-11

  Name : Ke
Web Site :
Country : AUS
How you found us : dogsonline
Comments : Hey Robyn, your dogs are delightful haha. My family just got two wonderful puppies from HARSHANAH KENNEL in SYDNEY. I love the way you trimed your dogs. They look cute in short trim don't they. I am taking my two little one for their first grooming on 14th JAN. Your dog's hair cut really give me a big idea. Love all of shih tzus. They are angels.
Date : 26-Dec-10

  Name : Meryl Davison
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : I looked for you on Favebook!
Comments : Lovely website Robyn, and lovely dogs too. I especially like your page about cross-breeds -can I use it on my website too? If we all do this, in our own small way we can help. I get heaps of calls from people who have bought at a pet shop or backyard breeder saying they have health problems, and it is heartbreaking I know. See you soon, Meryl x
Date : 28-Nov-10

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Contact Details
Robyn Hawke
Wellington Point, QLD, Australia
Phone : 0414813049
Email : [email protected]


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Show N Tell Web Designs
Down Under

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Dogz Online - Dogs, Breeders, Puppies