Wurroit Bedlingtons

Welcome to "Wurroit" Bedlington Terriers. We have been involved with this wonderful breed since 1997.

The original "Wurroit" was established as a sheep run in the Western District of Victoria by Robert Whitehead in the 1870’s. Bob (a direct descendent of Robert Whitehead) and Erica decided to register our kennels as "Wurroit" to maintain a connection with a family tradition.

Our dogs are DNA tested for the inherited disease copper toxicosis and we will only use dogs that have tested as 1:1 in our breeding program as a means of reducing the incidence of this disease.

"Wurroit" Bedlingtons first dog was Stenmor Blue Belgarian (1997-2005, Copper Toxicosis, cancer and liver failure), he was joined by Aust Ch Piperdene Fire N Ice (1999 - 2012), and Aust Ch Wurroit Wayward Warrior (2000 - 2015) is a product of their first litter. Other dogs we have bred to keep include Aust Ch Wurroit Diamond Ice, Aust Ch Wurroit Wicked Wench ("lost" from our yard, fate unknown), and most recently Wurroit Blue Diamond.

Other dogs we have acquired include Ch & Neut Ch Caeruleus Octavia Lucila, a liver and tan bitch bred by Cathy Robinson of Sydney, and our imported dogs, Supreme Ch Isotop's Viking (Malin Eriksson, Sweden) and Ch Piako Rhapsody In Blue (Marilyn Roff, NZ). Most recently Ch Ausbed Puttin On The Ritz has joined us from Pam Calvert-Maher in WA. We now also have a UK import Janmark Just Joking, the intention of acquiring this girl was to increase the gene pool in Australia. Sadly, this girl came to us with a few issues which have precluded the possibility of using her in our breeding program.

Dogs from our previous litters have performed well in the show ring with many of our pups achieving their Australian Championship titles.

Wurroit Mary Alice, a blue and tan pup from a litter we bred in 2005 is living in Sweden. She has achieved excellent results in Sweden being awarded Puppy in Show against 380 other pups in her international debut. Mary was exchanged for a Sandy male pup, Isotop's Viking and he arrived in April 2008 from Malin Eriksson. Eric has performed very well in the ring achieving a number of Best of Breed wins as well as class in group and a number of Best in Group wins. 

We gave Aust Ch Piperdene Fire N Ice her wings in 2012 which was very difficult for us as she was our foundation bitch but more importantly a lovely dog. We have also lost Aust Ch Wurroit Wayward Warrior (2000 - 2015). Sadly, Caeruleus Octavia Lucila (2001 - 2016) has now joined our other pups "Over the Bridge".

We still have Aust Ch Wurroit Diamond Ice (2002), who has been joined by a new blue girl, Piako Rhapsody in Blue, "Missy" (2012, Imp NZ), Ausbed Puttin on the Ritz, a lovely dark boy has recently joined us (thanks Pam). We have also imported "Janmark Just Joking" from the UK late June 2017. 

Missy combined with Eric to produce a litter of three pups (11 Feb 14), one has gone to WA, Wurroit Waimean Wascal has migrated to Hawaii (lucky lad) while Wurroit Blue Diamond "Gemma", a blue bitch will be staying with us. Missy's second litter of four liver pups have been placed with their new families, Basil to Adelaide, Goose and Keep to Melbourne while Poppy went to Tasmania.

Our most recent litter, three lovely blue girls, arrived on November 2nd, 2017. The sire of the litter is Ch Ausbed Puttin On The Ritz and the dam is Ch Wurroit Blue Diamond. All girls have been placed with families who have previously had Wurroit Bedlingtons. Maili (My Lee) will be joining her uncle Wurroit Waimean Wascal (Moki) in Hawaii while Ivy is staying local and Asha will be off to Adelaide. 

We are now expecting another litter from Gemma and Raven, expected date of arrival, 7th February 2019.


 Home Page    About Us    Our Dogs    Photo Album 

 Puppies    From Birth to You    Managing your Wurroit Bedlington    Puppies, November 2017 

 Gemma & Raven Pups, 2019    Wurroit Bedlingtons, newest additions, 2014 +    Bedlingtons in Colour    Conditions And Diseases 

 Copper & Copper Toxicosis    Copper Toxicosis, Updates    Beasley and C.T.    Genes & Genetic Diversity 

 Bedlington Health Considerations    Sorcha and Cushings Disease    Straight From The Heart    Guest Book    Links Page    Contact Form 

Contact Details
Bob & Erica Whitehead
Alice Springs, NT, Australia
Phone : 0407 713 026
Email : [email protected]


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