Wurroit Bedlingtons

Wurroit Mary Alice
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Mary made her debut in the show ring on the 3rd of September 2005. She took Baby Puppy in Group 2 at both the Red Heart Kennel Club and Alice Springs Kennel Club Championship shows held on that day. She had to go one better than her brother (Wurroit Hornblower, aka Captain), who took Baby Puppy in Group on his debut. Mary took out puppy in show at six and a half months of age and has received excellent critiques from a number of judges. Before leaving for Sweden Mary achieved two Best of Breed Challenges in Adelaide again receiving favourable comments from judges. Mary is now living with Malin Eriksson of Isotop's Kennels.

At Mary's first show at Orebro in Sweden she was awarded Puppy in Show against 380 other puppies. At her second show she was Junior Bitch and awarded 1st Prize in Quality, Honour Prize, which is an award that a judge may give to a young dog they feel is very promising.

Mary competed in the Swedish National Kennel Club show in Skara, Sweden on the 6th of May 2006. Mary was placed as 5th Best Bitch, received a first prize in quality and a CAC-quality prize.

Dusan Paunovic, the judge from Serbia-Montenegro, provided the following critique;

Typical female, excellent proprotion, correct head, eyes and ears. Good bite. Good long neck. Correct front. Good rear. Correct movement and temperament.

Pedigree for  Wurroit Mary Alice
Breed : Bedlington Terrier Bred by : Bob & Erica Whitehead
Sex : Bitch Owned by : Isotop's Kennels, Sweden
Date of Birth : 14-Apr-05 Handled by :
Call Name : Mary Available for stud : N/A
Sire : Wurroit Lionheart S: Aust Ch Stenmor Bold As Brass S: Aust Ch Dalip Best of British
D: Aust Ch Stenmor Honey of a Dream
D: Aust Ch Piperdene Fire N Ice S: Barnsnap Beefeater
D: Aust Ch Piperdene Poeme
Dam : Caeruleus Octavia Lucila S: Aust Ch Stenmor Royal Gadabout S: Barnsnap Beefeater
D: Aust Ch Stenmor Honey of a Dream
D: Aust Ch Dalip British Maid S: Eng Ch Dalip Lord of the Rings
D: Dalip Surprise Surprise


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Contact Details
Bob & Erica Whitehead
Alice Springs, NT, Australia
Phone : 0407 713 026
Email : bob.whitehead1956@gmail.com


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