Wurroit Bedlingtons

Aust Ch Wurroit Wayward Warrior CT results, C04107 1,2 (VetGen)
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Hart won best of breed at the Alice Springs Kennel Club Championship Show on the 17th of August 2002 gaining the points he needed to achieve his Australian title.

Pedigree for Aust Ch Wurroit Wayward Warrior CT results, C04107 1,2 (VetGen)
Breed : Bedlington Terrier Bred by : Bob & Erica Whitehead
Sex : Dog Owned by : Bob & Erica Whitehead
Date of Birth : 23-Jun-00 Handled by :
Call Name : Hart Available for stud : No
Sire : Stenmor Blue Belgarian S: Aust Ch Stenmor Blue Blazes S: Aust Ch Aurobindo Randallesh
D: Aust Ch Rosedew Charisma
D: Aust Ch Glenlake Miss Fire S: Aust Ch Breckland Bullet Proof
D: Aust Ch Breckland Gilded Lily
Dam : Aust Ch Piperdene Fire N Ice S: Barnsnap Beefeater (Imp UK) S: Barnsnap Baronet
D: Rathsrigg Rebekah
D: Aust Ch Piperdene Poeme S: Swd Ch Fracas Excellent Dream
D: Piperdene Last Tango


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Contact Details
Bob & Erica Whitehead
Alice Springs, NT, Australia
Phone : 0407 713 026
Email : bob.whitehead1956@gmail.com


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