Wurroit Bedlingtons

Ch Wurroit Blue Diamond, CT results, COMMD1 N/N, C04107, 1,1
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Gemma was born on the 11th February 2014, the third in a litter of three and the blue bitch puppy we had been hoping for.

She is a cheeky and outgoing pup with plenty of energy and attitude. We think she will do well in the show ring and we are looking forwards to starting her career at the beginning of the NT Circuit of shows from early July onwards.

Gemma had a good weekend at the start of July taking two Baby Puppy in group awards over the 4th July weekend. We look forward to the continuing battle between herself an Raven next weekend in Tennant Creek.

In the return bout between Raven and Gemma, the score was 1 - 1. Raven has won the battle of the babes 5 - 3, Gemma will be playing for points at her next shows in August.

No points for Gemma in August but in September she received her first points at the Adelaide Royal with a very favourable critique from the judge, a previous Bedlington exhibitor.

Gemma has taken bitch challenge at our three November shows over her mum, a reserve of breed and a nine point Best of Breed beating both Mum and Dad in the process. Gemma again received many favourable comments from the judges.

In our recent run of 8 shows Gemma has taken bitch challenge on five ocassions and has received a number of favourable comments from judges.

Gemma will next be in the ring for Canine Expo in Darwin, four shows over 2 days.

Check back for updates regularly.

Pedigree for Ch Wurroit Blue Diamond, CT results, COMMD1 N/N, C04107, 1,1
Breed : Bedlington Terrier Bred by : Bob & Erica Whitehead
Sex : Bitch Owned by : Bob & Erica Whitehead
Date of Birth : 11-Feb-14 Handled by : Clare and Bob
Call Name : Gemma Available for stud : N/A
Sire : Ch Isotop's Viking (Imp SWD) S: Toolbox Best Befor S: Ch Toolbox Candyman
D: Toolbox Speaks for Herself
D: Ch Isotop's Inka S: Ch Isotop's Battery
D: Ch Isotop's Miss Moneypenny
Dam : Ch Piako Rhapsody in Blue (Imp NZ) S: Caeruleus Lord Byron S: Ch Stenmor Royal Gadabout
D: Ch Caeruleus Lady Arwan
D: Piako Nelly Furtado S: NZ Ch Ausbed Traveller CDX
D: Bakabaks Sunflower


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Contact Details
Bob & Erica Whitehead
Alice Springs, NT, Australia
Phone : 0407 713 026
Email : [email protected]


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