Yetholme Yorkies


Nothing to do with yorkies or dogs of any kind, but my flowers give me
great pleasure and I love to photograph them.

A work in progress.


The best of both worlds....a yorkie puppy AND flowers.
Pictured above is Nellie, celebrating her five weeks birthday.


Gallipoli Rose
Weald View Willow - fuchsia
Dappled beautiful.
Flanders Poppy....flowered in time for Remembrance Day
David Austin rose - Jude the Obscure. Flowered for the first time the day our precious Brave Heart died, two years ago (26th Nov 2015)
The beauty of roses
Nellie - five weeks young
Fuchsia Procumbens. First flower. So tiny, can barely find it with the camera.



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Web Graphics by Shawna

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