A long overdue catch up!
As the title says, long overdue ❤️. At last an attempt to catch up on what my poodles and I have been doing since I last updated my website. Moving house to a larger acreage (for the poodles 😉) has been very time consuming, but over at last. They now have a large, grassy yard, good fences, their own pool and no neighbours. We have been showing successfully, but also started doing agility, jetty jumping, obedience and trick training. It is wonderful how versatile they are! They have different talents, but are all loving, sweet and willing to please. Pictured above is Champion Loana Raving About Arya, practising for “jetty jumping”. She recently passed her beginners agility course and will go on to the next level. Merryl Yet Foy Eviron, NSW, Australia Phone : 0417480332 Email : [email protected] |