2012 litter at Loana
This is Lily's puppies page. Now also Wild Child's puppies page.
Lily's second litter whelped on January 29th, 2010. Four lovely puppies!
I am in constant contact with three of my puppy buyers. Some even came to their first birthday party in February this year. I do hear from th others occasionally and I'm delighted that they are so happy with them. Loana Wild Child at Durack - getting the final points for her title. Lily January24th, enjoying the air conditioning. Raw, meaty bones are her preference . Lily's second litter. First attempt at lapping puppy milk. Playing
Wild Child's litter - born February 21st, 2012.
Merryl Yet Foy Eviron, NSW, Australia Phone : 0417480332 Email : yetfoymerryl@gmail.com |