My Web Site


Welcome to my web site.   

My poodles are not confined to grow their ears or preserve their coat so you will not see photo's of immaculately groomed poodles, but photo's of my friends and companions, some of whom happen to be show dogs. 

My poodles are happiest helping me garden, chasing tennis balls or just lazing in the sun.

I hope you enjoy your visit. Feel free to have a look around and contact me if you would like to know more!

 Home Page    About Us    News    Puppy Page 

 Poodle Poems    Poodle poems    My Dogs    My Girls 

 Photo's of Our Ch Poodles    Photo Album    Links Page 

 Contact Form    Guest Book 

Contact Details
Sandy Darling
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Phone : 07 3805 5924
Email : [email protected]


All Content Copyright
Dogz Online - Dogs, Breeders, Puppies