Still 2 puppies available from his last litter, 14 weeks.
Very pretty puppies.
Send me an email if you are looking for a slightly older puppy
Our plans for Puppies this year are on hold unless we can find a suitable husband for out beautiful Ch Bienaime Silver Arrow RN
However our handsome stud dog Negresca Banjo BabeAI has recently sired a litter with a pretty brown girl from the Gold Coast, 3 black babies.
DUCKY (Ch Bienaime Ohmy Duchess)
Her first litter was born on the 24.11.21 Father Negresca Banjo Babe AI
Her son Houdini (Ch Bienaime Quiet Achiever ) achieved his final points for his Champion title on the weekend he turned nine months, along with sashes for Puppy in group and Sweepstakes seconds.
PUPPIES are usually ready to go to their new homes around the 9 weeks of age.
To guarantee your puppy, we like to recieve a deposit by the time the puppy is 4 weeks old.
The deposit will be refundable if the purchase is cancelled before the puppy is 7 weeks old
03.04.2019 Gladys
Three brown babies, 2 boys and a girl.
30.11.18 Muffin
Two blue/black girls and one cream boy, just like his grandfather, Rupert.
03.07.2017 Gladys
Three beautiful brown babies and one stunning black boy ( big Mack)
11.08.16 Topsy (Bienaime Silver Utopia ) and Dancer ( Ch Hillani Silver Shadow) are now the pround parents of 6 silver /blue puppies.
September 2015 (photo above)
The delightful Gladys has presented us with our first brown litter, two boys and a little brown girl.
JULY 2015 We have puppies.
The beautiful Muffin (Ch Bienaime Cest La Vie ) has finally got pregnant after the third try and has puppies.
A very cheeky little white madam, Snow White, a small pretty and cute little blue girl (Cinderella) and a very clever blue boy who we thougth may be a silver, but may end up looking like Pepper,

Our beautiful Pepper has gone to live with our dear friend Tracy, to be one of four, instead of one of a "pack of Poodles"
2013 Our next litter of puppies will be due at the beginning of September
The mother will be the lovely Lily (Ch Bienaime Lil Snowball), and the father our black boy Banjo (CH Bienaime Debanjo Boy)
Last years puppies from these two had very pretty babies.
Banjo is tested clear for PRA-prcd, RD-Renal Dysplasia, and Osteochondrodysplasia, ensuring puppies who are not affected by these congenital defects.
17.12.12 Magic has three boys, two black and one brown
More photo's of my poodle family at http://www.flickr.com/photos/10848401@N05/
Our babies are all raised in the home. They are regularly wormed from two weeks, and vaccinated and given a full Veterinary check at 6 weeks. They do not leave our home until they are at least 8 to 9 weeks, and have been dry all night for at least a week. The puppies are quite intensilvely toilet trained from six weeks, and if the regime is continued very few accidents will occur in their new home.
Puppies go with a Puppy Pack, Puppy booklet, with helpful hints on food, grooming and future care, and photo's and a brief resume of their parents . Their vaccination card will accompany them, and they will have been microchipped as well. We do make follow up phone calls, and try and keep in touch via email with all our Puppy Purchasers. We really appreciate receiving photo's of our babies in their new homes.
Some of these may be seen on our second Photo Page.