21.08.16 Gerry (Ch Bienaime Glorfindel) won third place in the CCD and RN classes at the Dogs Sports Spectacular at Durack.
11.08.16 Topsy, Bienaime Silver Utopia , delivered 6 puppies.
Three girl, three boys, all going to be either silver or blue.
24.07.16 BIENAIME KAPTAIN JAK SPARROW Gained the last points to apply for his Australian Championship title, at the age of 11 months.
14.4.2016 Camping at Seelands, Grafton again.
CH &NEUTER CH BIENAIME VIVA LAS VEGAS won Neuter in group for three shows and 3rd in Veteran Sweepstakes on the day he turned 7 years old. The two silver girls went to stay with Lesley and the oldies came camping with us, which they really enjoy.
January 2016. Camping at Toowoombah.
This was to be CH VELEIA TEDDY BEAR's last show as the day before we headed up to Wondai her heart went into stage 5 heart failure and we had to say good bye to our little brown darling. ( Age 18 years,)
20.08.2105 12 th POODLE NATIONAL Ch/Neuter Champion BIENAIME FREYJA won NEUTER IN SHOW , Not bad for a twelve year old poodle.
19.08.2015 12 th POODLE NATIONAL competed in CCD and Novice Rally O with Gerry (Ch Bienaime Glorfindel)

Gerry with his big sash for his first in CCD
TONKEI I DREAM OF GINA was Puppy of Breed in the 12 th National, and although she did not get IS, she ran beautifully with her pretty little head in the air.
14.08.2015 BRISBANE ROYAL Ch Bienaime Viva Las Vegas got Neuter of Breed and his daughter, Tonkei I Dream of Gina got Puppy of Breed.
27.11.2014 Bienaime Galadrial gained her final points during our six day adventure trip to Newcastle
Also Ch/Neuter Ch Bienaime Freyja was Neuter in Group IN ALL THREE SHOWS
07.08.2014 gerry (Bienaime Glorfindel) gained his Australian Champion title
29.04.2014 GRAFTON camping again at Seelands, Gerry,(BIENAIME GLORFINDEL) BOB in the three shows he was entered in, CH BIENAIME VIVA LAS VEGAS- BOB in one and dog Ch in the other two,.
22.07.2013 Freyja gained her 100 points to apply for her Neuter Champion title
23.05.2013 Our beautiful Bruno (Ch Wyderon Bienateddy Boy) went off to his new home as pet and companion, where he has a lovely family to take him for walks and make him their own special boy.
25.04.2013 Back in Grafton again, more coffee with Tracy and Jeanette, more watching dogs over four days.
Jeanette got another sash with Teddybear in the SuperVeteran sweepstakes .
Freyja got neuter BOB on all six days, two Veteran in Group sashes, and one Neuter in Group sash.
Had five days camping overlooking the Clarence river at Seelands, very nice weather this year, and more coffee and chatting.
03 to 06May 2012 Hectic round of dog shows. Joined by Tracy and friend Jeanette of Jeabo poodles, and we spent the days slurping coffee, watching Tracy try to transform my scruffy mob into show poodles, and the professionals, Darelle and Pat with their beautifully groomed poodles.
Much excitement on Saturday when Darelle's boy Codie gained his points for his Grand Champion title.
My only claim to fame was the bouncing kangaroo Muffin got challenge points on Saturdays shows.
Bruno trotted happily until Sunday when he had a sore neck and Diva plodded dutifully around for Baby of Breed in every show.
Vegas is so skinny it is not funny and is not putting much weight on his right front foot. He tried so hard though, and is such a happy boy.
02.05.12 Loaded the K9 camper and headed off to Grafton. Stopped at Tucabia to visit Tracy and her poodles and the team had a great time running around her acreage. Nearly got stuck again, left the lawn in a bit of a mess.
Then off to Darelles to set up our campsite for the weekend. Experience is a great teacher, left the K9 on the tarsealed section of the road and set up camp around it. Lots of Kangaroo's and wallabies around.
25.04.12 bruno ( Wyderon Bienateddy Boy) Got his final points for his Championship title.
On Sunday the 19th April he got Best of Breed and Junior in Group at Durack, and BOB again on the 27th April
Muffin got her first challenge on the 25.04,12- still got a bouncy tendency, and that long tail is a worry.
16-18.03.12 Campiing with Poodles at Murwillumbah.
It rained a lot, was very wet under foot, the boys got consistently beaten, but little Muffin, Bienaime Cest La Vie, got baby of breed three days, and Baby in Group on the Sunday under the Singapore judge. She actually kept her feet on the ground for once going into the group line up.
11.03.12 Poodle Club Open Show.
lily's two silver babies were entered, Charlie, the cutest little silver boy imaginable was a bit over whelmed initially, but by the time he went home was strutting around with his new owners as if he had been a show dog all his life. Stunning baby boy.
His silver sister Mei Li trotted nicely around the ring but was beaten by her bouncy niece, Topsy's daughter Muffin.Their owners were very excited to see the babies father Stirling, GR Ch Hillani Sterling Silva get Runner up to best in show. Bruno, Wyderon Bienateddy Boy, got Junior in Show
09.12.11 Lily had her babies, a repeat mating with Stirling. lily's babies are absolutely lovely again. She has a silver boy, a silver girl, white boy and two blue girls (thats new) As usual they are thriving from day 1.
23.10.11 Bienaime Brisvegas Royalflush-Baby in Group at his first show at Port Macquarrie , just turned 3 months
Well done Caitlyn Gunter and Monty.
19.10.11 Topsy had her baby, a beautiful little girl, who we hope will be a silver.
Update-27.10.11 baby is nearly 600g at just over a week old, eyes nearly opening.
26.09.11 Our beautiful black babies flew off to Townsville, Sydney and Newcastle. Fortunately there were no strikes and they all arrived safely.
Definitely a mating worth doing again, stunning heads, beautiful coats, lovely feet.
14.08.2011 Brisbane Royal
Vegas (Ch Bienaime Viva Las Vegas) took out the dog challenge and Reserve of breed at the Brisbane Royal.
His foot was operated on the 21st July, and he stopped limping 4 days before the Ekka, what a little trooper,he trotted around beautifully for James Bennett,
23.07.11Magic and Vegas's babies were born. Three black boys and 1 black girl.
10.07.2011 Poodle Club Qld Championship Show.
Wyderon Bienateddy Boy (Son of Ch Bienaime Viva las Vegas ) got Reserve Dog, Best miniature poodle puppy, then PUPPY IN SHOW.
Vegas's half sister, Bienaime Aztec Madamoselle (daughter of Rupert and Freyja)was Best baby miniature , then BABY IN SHOW
23.06.11 Vegas has osteomyelitis in his sore pad, and may have to have it removed, So sad for our beautiful show boy. On the plus side, his half sister, Magic is definitely pregnant, babies due on the 26/7/2011
11.5.11 Camping at Grafton We took all the poodles and the K9 Camper and went and camped at the edge of the bush overlooking the Clarence River at Darelle Kruegers lovely property . We also showed the dogs at the combined Clarence and Bonville shows.
The boys did poorly, managing second places only, but Topsy got the Bitch Challenge in the three shows she was entered in. Ome never knows.
Teddybear excelled herself, getting a first in a class of 7 in the SuperVeterans (which included three grand champions)and winning a big sash. She was beautifully shown by my friend Jeanette
1.5.11 Banjo is a daddy again with a little girl of Lynda Buckland- 2 black and suprise! suprise! -two brown puppies.
10.3.11 Dolly (Ch Neiger Hello Dolly- born 13.4.1995) passed away after a very short illness.
From being her normal lovable thieving self, to gone in two days was an awful shock.
01.03.11 Freyja and Ruperts babies born. Five puppies, one black, 1 blue , 1 white, 1 cream and 1 apricot.
Delightful puppies who have all gone to their new homes. Another litter of happy friendly tail wagging babies.
6.2.11 BRANDY update -poor Brandy had an accident with the doggy door at his new home, so has returned to us and had his hip operated on today.
25.1.11 Went to NZ to visit my very aged father. NZ was lovely, Oamaru was sunny, Dunedin, where I went for a high school reunion (50years) was cold, grey and raining. Christchurch was warm and sunny, but rather shattered as everyone was only just recovering from the first big earthquake, when they got another big one on Boxing day.
29.12.10 VEGAS ia a daddy again. He sired 5 very pretty puppies with my friends black girl, Cheechee, and to prove that genetics is sometimes correct, there is a rather handsome little brown boy. This is also an interesting date, as it is his father, Banjo's birthday as well. ? Is this an omen?
20.12.10 Lily, Snowy, and Topsy brushed the mud of their legs and lined up for the Christmas photo shoot. Teddybear was asleep just off camera, and escaped the dressing up process as she has become rather portly lately and nothing fitted her.
8.11.10 Vale - Ethel-Ch Bienaime Evening Breeze
Our beautiful Ethel finally passed away after a 7 month battle with probably a brain tumour. A real trooper to the end, Ethel coped with initial blindness, and loss of smell and balance,She rapidly lost weight and we thought she would not last till the end of May, but in June got her sense of smell back, and possibly a glimmer of sight. She had a lot of good days in her final 6 months to make the battle worth while. It has been a sad year for Ethels side of the poodle family, with finding out recently that her sister Millie, who stayed with us every holidays for 4 to 6 weeks, had died earlier in the year of Cancer, as did Ethels beautiful chocolate son Freddo up in Townsville. Last week (December) her daughter Chilli died of a brown snake bite.
20.10.10 Babies will be going soon
All Lily's lovely babies are sold and will be soon going to their new families. They are lovely babies, friendly and happy with lovely waggy tails and have adored everyone who has come to visit them. We are going to be very sad to see them go..
29.08.2010 VEGAS is a daddy!
Vegas and Ayesha are the proud parents of five black babies, 1 girl and 4 boys.
25.08.2010 The beautiful Lily has had her babies. See puppy page for a photo.
She had 6 babies, three white and three dark, two silver girls, and one silver/blue boy. After a few cold nights to start, they are all doing really well.
08.08.2010 Vegas got a first place in Junior Dog at the Brisbane Royal, and although the dog challenge went to the Open class dog, he still trotted around beautifully with his tail in the air, and absolutely loved saying hello to all the people who patted him after he had been in the ring.
14.07.2010 Vegas is know an Australian Champion, he gained his last points on the 3rd July with a best of breed from a big entry of Miniatures, then went BOB again at the Etta Hawkswood memorial show, which was rather fitting as he is the great grandson of her lovely black boy, Bentley.
VEGAS is also a great grandchild of our foundation bitch ,Minnie, and he also has her lovely tail wagging happy temperament. Viva las Vegas!!!!!!!
VALE. Minnie- (CH NEIGER SWAN SONG) 21.10.1993 to 29.10.2009
Minnie passed away peacefully at 10.25am on Thursday morning.
She was forever the perfect poodle princess, ruling the roost with a benevolent white paw. Waiting at the door to greet visitors with a big poodle smile and a happy wagging tail.
Where ever she went people always came up to speak to her and pat her, she just had that "Poodle Magnet" charisma.,