Leberhine German Shepherd Dogs - South Australia

Photo Album

Welcome to our photo album.
This is an eclectic collection of photo's from our albums dating from the 1960's to the present day. We hope you enjoy!
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Coco the toy Poodle weighing just 3kg who is the boss of the household. RIP Pooks 8.5.15
Side view head shot of Nilson vom Wildsteiger Land aZ (Imp Gmy)
*Mutz vom Schuttingerweg aZ (Imp Gmy) full-brother to Max who was exported to the UK
A drawing of Jaz by Cindy Hrvatin
*Lindanvale Ritzi AZ (Imp UK) the 'grand old dame' of the new generation at Leberhine
A drawing of Nilson by Cindy Hrvatin
*Sagenhaft Dubl O Seven AZ a Nilson daughter
A blast from the past:
*Ch Beautrae Dachs.
*A/Ch Crudgells Jojo
x *A/Ch Beautrae Dachs
"Nessum Dorma Jojo" You were 'extra' special and we still miss you!
Hugh & Christine Garvican with Martin & Maria Gobl (Wildsteiger Land) in Germany at Oktoberfest
Rinty of Phoenix with June Garvican circa 1964. Rinty was an Avon Prince of Alumvale great-grandson and died unfortunately before we emigrated.
Darkana Demi aged 12 wks x Nilson and a Jaz daughter.
Darkana Demi aged 5 1/2 months
Darkana Demi on the move at the 36th National. Demi was placed 2nd.
Demi - A Jaz daughter mated to Nilson. Thank you to Judy Barlow having faith in our stud dogs.
From left to right: A/Ch Kondorsohn Konig, Volkerson Yvon (Imp NZ) and Beautrae Janka July 1974
June, Tracy, Rinty and Dawn at Keyworth Nottingham circa 1965
Leberhine Fly aka Fly aged 9 weeks. Nilson grandson
Leberhine Fly - BOB winner, challenge winner, Australian Champion.
Leberhine Fly aged 13 months
*Leberhine Maggie AZ a beautiful grand-daughter of Nilson x Cayos Noriswand. Both top producers. Both top hip and elbow producers.
Leberhine Nes aged 4mths. Daughter of Leberhine Maggie and niece of Ch Leberhine Fly
Our beautiful Fly 'Boy' died suddenly. This is in honour of Fly from Nikita.
Leberhine Umeeko - 1st Minor Puppy Bitch 2014 National.
Meeko is from Leberhine Maggie x Hatto Huhnegrab.
Meeko on the move at National.

Thank you Jamie Phillis for your superb handling.
Meeko with Jamie

Robert with Dawn Fraser AO MBE Patron of The GSDCA who visited the 43rd GSDCA National - May 2015. What a legend!
The girls in 2015. Babe, Meeko, Nes & Maggie
Leberhine Calleco aka Ally proudly owned by O'Loughlin, Evans & Garvican
Leberhine Calleco
Leberhine Calleco AZ
*Leberhine Babe AZ



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Contact Details
Robert & Dawn Evans
Lewiston, SA, Australia
Phone : +61418814993
Email : [email protected]


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Show N Tell Web Designs
Down Under

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Dogz Online - Dogs, Breeders, Puppies