Our family suffered a very great loss with the death of June, beloved wife of Hugh, devoted mother to Dawn and Tracy, loving mother-in-law to Robert and beloved 'Mama' of Nikita.
Our lives became whole again on the marriage of Hugh to Christine. Although Christine was our step-mother, Robert, Nik & I plus our close friends affectionately called her 'The Witch'. Christine never tried to replace our mother as she knew no-one could, but she was always there for us and listened. Christine never tried to be Nikita's, nor William's or Harrison's grand-mother (always insisting she was far too young anyway), but loved them just the same. As for Robert, well, he was the 'blue-eyed' boy as far as Christine was concerned. Christine thought Robert was 'special' in the same way Bruce McAvaney describes athletes and elite footballers. The marriage made our family happy again!
Hugh and Christine travelled to Germany again in 2003............As a result of an automobile accident near Steingarten, Hugh sustained a broken back and other serious injuries.......Christine died of her injuries. Once more, our family was plunged into the depths of despair.
Thank you to the surgeons, doctors and medical staff at Murnau Hospital, for their professionalism and care which enabled Hugh to walk; thank you to the Australian Embassy staff in Germany - in particular Monique and her compadres in the Dept of Foreign Affairs in Australia, not only did you keep us up-to-date but more importantly kept us sane; Thank you Martin, Maria & Marcus Gobl; Darren & Paul Jones and Pippa Hinchley (UK); Thank you to the South Australian Police Force in helping to locate Tracy who was holidaying in the Flinders Ranges; Thanks to Jim & Chris Tester of Sagenhaft, Troy & Kathy Metcalfe of Lewisland, Andrew Hueppauff & Melissa Lloyd of Vondoussa, Ian & Marilyn Cooke of Delaforce, Linda & Alan Bursten of Burshune; Thank you Joe & Helen Seidl, Craig Sukke, Brian & Nancye Evans; Thank you to the Committee and members of The German Shepherd Dog Club of SA and the 'Shepherd fraternity' throughout Australia; and thank you especially to Jenny & Peter Cocks of Grundelhardt kennels. Without the thoughts, prayers and assistance we received we would not have been able to survive this disastrous circumstance. Thank You.

At a Memorial Service conducted by Father Brett - Chaplain of Pulteney Grammar School - Nikita recited her poem 'Memories of Christine':
As the cool breeze blows across my face,
I notice a lonely butterfly amidst the falling autumn leaves and naked trees,
It flutters about, not making a fuss,
Taking in it's surroundings.
I notice it's beauty and purity,
Wondering how such a magnificent splendour was created with such ease.
It's colouring is astounding.
The most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
I look away for a moment...
My concentration was distracted,
But when my gaze returns,
It is no longer there.
Although I no longer know where it is,
I know it is watching over me,
Wherever I go, whatever I do,
And is forever in my heart.
Nikita Garvican Evans 2003

Leberhine Mira AZ
7/2/04 - 12/1/07
A wonderful ambassador of the German Shepherd Dog taken away suddenly.
Companion and family member.
Rest in peace, sweetheart.
Not only Hugh but, Robert, Dawn, Che, Ritzi, Kelsey and Nilson miss your happy and loving ways.
God bless you Mira.
*Lindanvale Ritzi AZ (Imp UK)
25/2/95 - 26/5/08
You will not be forgotten.
Your spirit lives on with your progeny and more importantly with our wonderful memories of you.
You were the 'new' beginning of Leberhine.
You were integral in producing off-spring providing Leberhine many steps forward in
our aim of improving the German Shepherd Dog.
We miss you.

Dawn Brown
True Lady.
True friend.
Miss You.
Hugh Garvican, Robert & Dawn Evans
A great void is in our lives today.
It used to be filled by 'Seven'.
*Sagenhaft Dubl O Seven is gone. 4.9.03 - 27.11.12
We don't need to re-hash her career or those of her progeny.
We have wonderful memories of her as first and foremost a four-legged, loving and faithful member of our family.
Noah (our great-grandson/grandson), stated the night prior of her demise "Seven gave me a kiss, she takes my kiss to Heaven".
Seven will be very greatly missed - never forgotten.