1st Leberhine Joker - Open Dog Exc - Best Dog - GSDCSA Members Comp - 3/3/2019 - Judge Mr I Cooke
1st Leberhine Umeeko - Open Bitch Exc - Best Bitch - GSDCSA Members Comp - 3/3/19 - Judge Mr I Cooke
1st Leberhine Jeronimoe - Open Dog (LSC) Exc - Best Dog - GSDCSA Members Comp - 3/3/19 Judge Mr I Cooke
3rd Leberhine Joker - Junior Dog VG - Ballarat Dog Club - 4/2/18 - Judge Mr I Urie
1st Leberhine Umeeko - Open Bitch Exc - BOB - Ballarat Dog Club - 4/2/18 - Judge Mr I Urie
1st Leberhine Jeune - Junior Bitch VG - GSDCT - 18/2/18 - Judge Mr. G. Green
1st Leberhine Jeune - Junior Bitch VG - GSDCT - 19/2/18 - Judge Ms J Cathie
1st Leberhine Jeronimoe - Junior Dog (LSC) VG - GSDCV - Judge Mr M Griffiths (UK)
1st Leberhine Jeronimoe - Junior Dog (LSC) VG - 46th GSDCA National - 27/4/18 - Judge Herr H-P Schweimer (Gmy)
5th Leberhine Joker - Junior Dog - VG - 46th GSDCA National - 28/4/18 - Judge Herr H-P Schweimer (Gmy)
1st Leberhine Jeronimoe - Junior Dog (LSC) VG - Challenge Dog LSC - 80th GSDCSA Championship Show - 9/6/18 - Judge Dr W Lauber (Gmy)
2nd Leberhine Umeeko - Open Bitch - Exc - 80th GSDCSA Championship Show - 9/6/18 - Judge Dr W Lauber (Gmy)
1st Leberhine Jeronimoe - Junior Dog (LSC) VG - 81st GSDCSA Championship Show - 10/6/18 - Judge Mrs J Neddermeyer
1st Leberhine Joker - Junior Dog VG - 81st GSDCSA Championship Show - 10/6/18 - Judge Mrs J Neddermeyer
1st Leberhine Umeeko - Open Bitch Exc - Challenge Bitch - Best In Show - 81st GSDCSA Championship Show 10/6/18 - Judge Mrs J Neddermeyer
1st Leberhine Joker - Intermediate Dog VG -GSDCV Championship Show - 3/11/18 - Judge Mr A Jones (Vic)
1st Leberhine Joker - Intermediate Dog VG - WDCV - 4/11/18 - Judge Herr W. Hassgall (Gmy)
1st Leberhine Calleco - Junior Bitch - Res Ch bitch -Junior Bitch In Group - Welsh Corgi Club SA - 20/1/16 - Judge Mrs JM Neddermeyer - owned by O'Loughlin/Evans & Garvican
2nd Leberhine Babe - Open Bitch - Welsh Corgi Club SA - 20/1/16 - Judge Mrs JM Neddermeyer
2nd Leberhine Babe - Open Bitch - Excellent - Ballarat Dog Club Ch Show - 5/2/17 - Judge Mr G Green
10th Leberhine Calleco - Junior Bitch - VG - GSDCV - 11/3/17 - Judge Ms H McDonald (UK) - owned by LebO'Loughlin/Evans & Garvican
8th Leberhine Babe - Open Bitch - Excellent - GSDV - 11/3/17 - Judge Ms H McDonald (UK)
3rd Leberhine Calleco - Intermediate Bitch - VG - 36th Members Comp GSDCSA - 26/3/17 - Judge Mrs J De Lucia - owned by O'Loughlin/Evans & Garvican
1st Leberhine Babe - Open Bitch - Excellent - 36th Members Comp GSDCSA - 26/3/17 - Judge Mrs J De Lucia
1st - Baby Puppy of Breed (LSC) - Le Fevre Knl Club - 2/4/17 - owned by V Drummond
1st Leberhine Jeronimoe - Baby Puppy of Breed (LSC) - APK & ODC - 8/7/17 - owned by V Drummond
1st Leberhine Jeronimoe - Baby Puppy of Breed (LSC) - APK & ODC - 9/4/17 - owned by V Drummond
1st Leberhine Jeronimoe - Baby Puppy (LSC) - 37th Members Comp. GSDCSA - 7/5/17 - Judge Mr J Fenner (WA) - owned by V Drummond
6th Leberhine Juni - Baby Puppy Bitch - 37th Members Comp. GSDCSA - 7/5/17 - Judge Mr J Fenner (WA)
1st Leberhine Joker - Baby Puppy Dog - 37th Members Comp. GSDCSA - 7/5/17 - Judge Mr J Fenner (WA)
3rd Leberhine Calleco - Intermediate Bitch - VG - 37th Members Comp. GSDCSA - 7/5/17 - Judge Mr J Fenner (WA) owned by O'loughlin/Evans & Garvican
6th Leberhine Babe - Open Bitch - Excellent - 37th Members Comp. GSDCSA - 7/5/17 - Judge Mr J Fenner (WA)
12th Leberhine Jeune - Baby Puppy Bitch - VP - 45th GSDCA National - 19/5/17 - Judge Herr J Stiegler (Gmy)
23rd Leberhine Babe - Open Bitch - Exc - 45th GSDCA National - 21/5/17 - Judge Herr J Stiegler (Gmy)
1st Leberhine Jeune - Baby Puppy Bitch - VP - GSDCT - 28/5/17 - Judge Dr K Hedburg (NSW)
1st Leberhine Umeeko - Open Bitch - Ex - Challenge Bitch - 78th GSDCSA Ch Show - Judge A Henderson (Vic)
6th Leberhine Umeeko - Open Bitch - Ex - GSDCSA Ch Show - 79th GSDCSA Ch Show - Judge Herr R Lang (Gmy)
1st Leberhine Jeronimoe - Baby Puppy Dog - VP - GSDCSA - 79th GSDCSA Ch Show - Judge Herr R Lang (Gmy) - owned by V Drummond
1st Leberhine Jeronimoe - Minor Puppy Dog - Challenge Dog - R-Up BOB - owned by V Drummond
1st Leberhine Jeune - Minor Puppy Bitch - Judge S. Ballantyne - owned by P Butler
Tracking & Search Ch Darkana Ghianne - Chilli - proudly owned and trained by Fran Gollen
1st Leberhine Calleco - Baby Puppy Bitch - Baby of Breed - Adelaide Hills Dog Club - 29/1/16 - Judge Mr Kupfberg (Israel) Owned by O'Loughlin/Evans & Garvican
1st Leberhine Calleco - Baby Puppy Bitch - Baby of Breed - Adelaide Hills Dog Club - 31/1/16 - Judge Mr Toyokawa (Japan) Owned by O'Loughlin/ Evans & Garvican
2nd Leberhine Calleco - Baby Puppy Bitch - Ballarat Dog Club - 7/2/16 - Judge Mrs J Yuen (Vic) - Owned by O'Loughlin/Evans & Garvican
3rd Leberhine Umeeko - Open Bitch - Excellent - Ballarat Dog Club - 7/2/16 - Judge Mrs J Yuen (Vic)
1st Leberhine Umeeko - Open Bitch - Excellent - Best SC Bitch - 32nd Members Comp - 6/3/16 - Judge Ms J Pike (SA)
13th Leberhine Calleco - Minor Puppy Bitch - 44th National - 25/3/2016 - Judge Frau M Dorrsen (Gmy) - owned by O'Loughlin/Evans & Garvican
2nd Leberhine Umeeko - Open Bitch - Silver Medal Winner - Excellent - 44th National - 27/3/2016 - Judge Frau M Dorssen (Gmy)
1st Leberhine Umeeko - Open Bitch - Excellent - Runner Up In Show - ADWC - 30/4/2016 - Judge Mr S Pitelli SA - General Specials Mrs D Morris (NSW)
1st Leberhine Umeeko - Open Bitch - Excellent - Best Bitch In Show - GSDCSA 33rd Members Comp - Judge Mr B Knight (WA)
1st Leberhine Umeeko - Open Bitch - Excellent - Best Bitch In Show - GSDCSA 35th Members Comp - Judge Mr G Green (Vic)
1st Leberhine Calleco - Junior Bitch - Very Good - GSDCV 96th Champ Show - 29/10/16 -Judge Herr H Hohmann - (Gmy) - owned by O'Loughlin/Evans & Garvican
1st Leberhine Calleco - Junior Bitch - Very Good - WDCV - 30/10/16 - Judge Mr P Flynn (SA) - owned by O'Loughlin/Evans & Garvican
Ch Leberhine Umeeko - GSDCSA Rhosyn Pointscore winner - Bitch - 2016
Leberhine Umeeko is now an Australian Champion
1st Leberhine Umeeko - Junior Bitch - Reserve Challenge - Runner Up Best of Breed - Ballarat Dog Club - 8/2/15 - Judge Mr A Henderson
3rd Leberhine Babe - Intermediate Bitch - Ballarat Dog Club - 8/2/15 -Judge Mr A Henderson (Vic)
1st Leberhine Umeeko - Junior Bitch - 29th Members Specialty Competition - 22/2/15 - Judge Mr P Cocks (SA)
Leberhine Umeeko - 1/3/15 SA Breed Survey Class I
1st Leberhine Umeeko - Intermediate Bitch - 24th State Breed Evaluation & Trial - Melbourne - 7/3/15 - Judge Mr G Green (Vic)
1st Leberhine Umeeko - Intermediate Bitch - Best In Group - Runner-up In Show - Le Fevre Kennel Club - 29/3/2015 - Judge - Mrs Cathy Camac (Vic)
1st Leberhine Umeeko - Intermediate Bitch - Best In Group - APK & ODC - 12/4/2015 - Ms M Lloyd (SA)
1st Leberhine Umeeko - Intermediate Bitch - Intermediate in Group - A & DWDC - 2/5/15 - Mr S Collins (SA)
1st Leberhine Babe - Open Bitch - Excellent - Res Challenge - Runner up of Breed - A & DWDC - 2/5/15 - Mr S Collins (SA)
9th Leberhine Umeeko - Intermediate Bitch - 43rd National - 9/5/15 - Herr H Scheerer (Gmy)
46th Leberhine Babe - Open Bitch - Excellent - 43rd National - 10/5/15 - Herr H Scheerer (Gmy)
1st Leberhine Umeeko - Intermediate Bitch - Challenge - Best In Group - Winter International - 30/5/15 - Mr George Schogol (Georgia)
2nd Leberhine Umeeko - Intermediate Bitch - 75th GSDCSA Ch Show - 7/6/15 - Mrs V McCambridge (NZ)
7th Leberhine Babe - Open Bitch - Excellent - 75th GSDCSA Ch Show - 7/6/15 - Mrs V McCambridge (NZ)
1st Leberhine Umeeko - Intermediate Bitch - Res Challenge - 75th GSDCSA Ch Show - 8/6/15 - Mr V Tantaro (Vic)
7th Leberhine Babe - Open Bitch - Excellent - 75th GSDCSA Ch Show - 8/6/15 - Mr V Tantaro (Vic)
1st Leberhine Umeeko - Intermediate Bitch - Challenge - Best of Breed - 23/5/15 - Mrs C Yates
1st Leberhine Umeeko - Intermediate Bitch - Challenge - Best of Breed - PAKC - 8/6/15 - Mrs L Ryan (NSW)
1st Leberhine Umeeko - Intermediate Bitch - Challenge - Best of Breed - JKCSA - 20/6/15 - Ms J Ford (NSW)
1st Leberhine Umeeko - Intermediate Bitch - Challenge - Best of Breed - MVKC -4/7/15 - Mr L Heilmann (SA)
1st Leberhine Umeeko - Intermediate Bitch - Challenge - Best of Breed - MVKC - 5/7/15 - Mr D Johnson (SA)
1st Leberhine Umeeko - Intermediate Bitch - Challenge - Best of Breed - Dogs SA Imp - 11/7/15 - Mr R Harbin (NSW)
1st Leberhine Umeeko - Intermediate Bitch - Challenge - Best of Breed - Dogs SA Imp - 12/7/15 - Mrs D Harbin (NSW)
1st Leberhine Umeeko - Intermediate Bitch- Best SC Bitch - 30th Members Specialty Competition - 16/8/15 - Ms M Groth (NSW)
1st Leberhine Babe - Open Bitch - Excellent - 30th Members Specialty Competition - 16/8/15 - Ms M Groth (NSW)
2nd Leberhine Umeeko - Open Bitch - Excellent - Res Challenge - 94th Championshsip Show - GSDCV - 31/10/15 - Mr R Wenham (Qld)
2nd Leberhine Umeeko - Open Bitch - Excellent - Res Challenge - WDCV - 1/11/15 - Herr E Bosl (Gmy)
1st Leberhine Umeeko - Open Bitch - Best Bitch - GSDCSA Open Show - 7/11/15 - Mrs J De Lucia (SA)
Ch Leberhine Umeeko - GSDCSA Rhoysn Point Score winner - Bitches - 2015/2016

Hugh & Australian Champion Tandina Mollie with her trophies from the 4th National.
Mollie was the Intermediate Bitch Class Winner, the Challenge Bitch Winner
the Gold Medal Winner (Siegerin)
the 4th National, 1976
"We have always believed 'beauty & brains' are the best combination."
Some have criticised the working abilities of our 'lines' because they also excel in the conformation ring!
The following animals have been sired by Leberhine males.

Aust Obedience Ch Leberhine Jutz (RIP)
proudly owned and trained by Mrs Yvonne Cocks (Qld)

with his trophies.
Gus won an Obedience Excellent at the 41st National 2012.
Proudly owned, trained and loved
Ms L. Taylor
attaining his
in three trials and all very good scores.
Leeane you are an 'Excellent' trainer.

Tracking Ch Adelora T Bird (RIP)
An inclusion in "Tracksure' magazine
TCh Adelora T Bird (Flynn) 3.12.2000 - 25.9.2014
Flynn came to us at 8 weeks, he came with an impressive pedigree but even more impressive at that young age was his sense of fun, he had that in spades. He loved odebience and his drop on recall had to be seen to be beleived, he came like a bullet and dropped like a stone and all the while his tail never stopped wagging. He got into trouble on numerous occasions at home and you would sternly tell him off but shill the tail never stopped.
Then we though we'd venture into Tracking, it was something I had always dreamed of doing but it wasn't until my husband told me exactly the path I took to work and where I crossed the road, it seems when Flynn was being walked in the morning his nose went down and he tracked where I went. So I rang Joy Rowe about the possibility of joining the Tracking Club, she asked me why I was interested, I said I had a Shepherd that I thought might be quite good, her reply "Just because he's a Shepherd doesn't make him a good tracker, Shepherd mainly wind scent. Suitably chastened I said I still thought I'd like to try.
Off we went. The day of the qualification was raining 'cats and dogs. I couldn't see where I was going. I didn't have windscreen wipers on my glasses, besides hanging on to Flynn who was going at break neck speed, straight to the tracklayer. That was the start of his stellar career, he was a great tracking dog, the only thing holding him back was me, he knew what he was doing he just had to persuade me. I learned so much from him. unfortunately Track and Search wasn't in existence when he retired otherwise we would have gone on to greater things.
Flynn died in my arms on the 25th September while I kissed his fur and told him to wait for me at the Rainbow Bridge, and the world is just a little less bright without him in it. Rest In Peace Darling Boy.
Now we have Darkana Ghianne (Chilli) who we love to bits. Another from a Leberhine dog to make her mark on the tracking world.
Ch Tracking & Search Darkana Chilli - proudly owned and trained by Mrs Fran Gollan