Welcome to our photo album.
Here is a collection of photos of our dogs at work in different disciplines, we hope you enjoy.
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"Sierra" Aust Ch Estrik Sierra CDX ET HT Competing in agility
"Sabre" Abhaben Noah AOC UD TDX tracking
"Sierra" Aust Ch Estrik Sierra CDX ET HT retrieving the dumbbell
"Jazz" Vanrusselhof JustWatchMe in heel position at 11wks
"Starr" O.Ch Astasia Starr UD ET AD JD HT competing in agility
"Carson" Aust Ch & O.Ch Astasia Carson UD ET PT retrieving over the jump
"Carson" Aust Ch & O.Ch Astasia Carson UD ET PT gaiting in Specialty Show
"Starr" O.Ch Astasia Starr UD ET AD JD HT competing in Jumpers
"Sabre" Abhaben Noah AOC UD TDX in heel position
"Scaddan" Astasia Scaddan CD working at heel at the 2006 GSD Main Mreed Exhibition (July 2006)
"Jazz" Vanrusselhof JustWatchMe HT at the Gold Coast Champ Show (Sept 2006)
"Jazz" Ch Vanrusselhof JustWatchMe CCD HT working hard at begging for a treat.
"Starr" O.Ch Astasia Starr UD ET AD JD ET BH working the "Judges Scent Cloths" in UDX (Aug 2006)
"Starr" O.Ch Astasia Starr UD ET AD JD HT working in her Schutzhund BH runout (2006)
"Starr" O.Ch Astasia Starr UD ET AD JD HT BH Jumping the Broad Jump (Jan 07)
"Starr" O.Ch Astasia Starr UD ET AD JD HT BH retrieving on the flat (Jan 07)
"Jazz" Ch Vanrusselhof JustWatchMe CCD HT completing a Recall in Novice (April 07)
"Legend" Ch Vanrusselhof Diabolo CDX ET PT retrieving over the jump (June 07)
"Starr" heeling her way to the SILVER Medal in the Winner of Winners at the GSD National, June 2009