Trial Results
Photo : Warren & Astasia Scaddan CD "Scaddan" (November 2007)
- 01/11/24 - Sprint Dog Club of Qld -
"Nikki" ... 39pts & N.SPRD Title
"Kelpie" ... 37pts
"Ollie" ... 34pts
"Rylee" .. 33pts
"Gisella" ... 28pts
- 18/08/24 - AmStaff Club of Queensland Sprint Dog Trial -
*Castastar Pandora ... Andii - 30pts
Neut.Ch Castastar Gisella PT ... Gisella - 27pts
Castastar Unique ... Nikki - 35pts
*Ch Castastar Oleander HT ... Ollie - 28pts
- 20/07/24 - Logan All Breeds Endurance Trial - "Ollie" completes the 20km and Gains her ET Title
- 03/07/24 - Sprint Dog Club of Qld - *Castastar Pandora ... Andii - 30pts & Neut.Ch Castastar Gisella PT ... Gisella - 29pts
- 02/07/24 - Sprint Dog Club of Qld - Castastar Unique ... Nikki - 32pts & *Ch Castastar Oleander HT ... Ollie - 32pts
- 17/09/23 - Continental Herding Club Double Tests & Trials
Trial 1 - Judge Annette Luck
Herding Instinct Test
Castastar Unique .... Nikki (Xander x Lana) - Pass
Ch Castastar Sergio .... Sergio (Freddie X Rylee) - Pass
Castastar Oleander .... Ollie (Freddie x Isabella) - Pass
Herding Test
Ch Castastar Sergio .... Sergio (Freddie X Rylee) - Pass
Castastar Oleander .... Ollie (Freddie x Isabella) - Pass
Trial 2 - Judge Peter Mayne
Herding Test
Castastar Oleander .... Ollie (Freddie x Isabella) - Pass 2 & HT Title, plus the Judge's Encouragement Award
- 15/07/23 - GSDCQ Endurance Test - "Rylee" passes the 20km ET and gains her ET Title
- 30/05/23 - Belgian Shepherd Club Endurance Test - "Kelpie" romps it in on the 20km run ... she now has her ET title to add to her growing collection of titles
- 20/05/23 - Jimboomba Obedience Club Double Trial ... "Kelpie" gains 2 passes in Novice Class on 187/200 & 194/200 to give her her Novice Obedience Title
- 10/09/22 - Ipswich Obedience Trial ... "Kelpie" wins the Novice class on 188/200 and gains her first pass for her CD Title
- 27/08/22 - Redlands Obedience Club had a Double Rally Trial ... "Kelpie" came away with a 3rd place on 91/100 with a 7pt oops handler error, and 100/100 and 1st place in the second trial. "Kelpie" now has her Rally Novice TITLE
- 30/07/22 - "Kelpie" trialled in Rally Novice for the first time with Mandy handling ... Ipswich Obedience Club had a Double Rally Trial and "Kelpie" placed 2nd on 88/100 in Trial 1 ... and 1st on 96/100 in Trial 2. Just need one more for her Rally Novice Title.
- 07/05/22 - Warren and "Kelpie" do it again ... an extra pass in CCD at Gold Coast Obedience Trial .. 98/100 & another 1st place
- 01/05/22 - Toowoomba Obedience Trial - "Kelpie" goes 3 out of 3, and gains her third pass in CCD on 100/100 and that is her TITLE
- 23/04/22 - Redlands Dog Obedience Trial - "Kelpie" does it again with another pass in CCD on 96/100 and a First place
- 27/03/22 - Toowoomba Obedience Trial - "Kelpie" gains her first pass in CCD on 92/100 and her first time in the ring ... Well Done
- 09/10/21 - Nanango Obedience Trial - "Blade" places 3rd in the CD ring on 187/200 and this was his third qualifying pass and his Novice Obedience Title
- 02/10/21 - Logan Obedience Trial - "Blade" wins the CD ring on 192/200 and his second pass
- 16/07/21 - Metro Dog Sports Club - "Sia" completes her German Puppy Zap Test - ZapW
- 26/06/21 - Continental Herding Club Double Tests and Trials
Trial 1 - Judge Anne Mitchell
* Herding Instinct Test
Castastar Pandora ... Andii (Chili x Narvi)
Castastar Odyssey ... Sia (Fred x Issy)
Castastar Nayeli ... Rylee (Xander x Eva)
Castastar Midori ... Kelpie (Xavi x Gisella)
Castastar Lana ... Lana (Fred x Lexi)
- all passing their Instinct Test
* Herding Test
Castastar Lana ... Lana also gained her first pass in Herding Test
Trial 2 - Judge Annette Luck
* Herding Test
Castastar Lana ... Lana
gained her second pass in Herding Test for her HT Title .. plus the Judge's Encouragement Award
- 24/04/21 - Redlands Obedience Trial - "Blade" places 3rd in CD with a score of 180/200 and his first qualifying pass
- 10/10/20 - Caboolture Obedience Trial- "Blade" wins a third time in CCD Class with 93/100 giving him his third pass and his CCD Title
- 03/10/20 - Logan Obedience Trial - "Blade" wins CCD Class on 98/100 and this is his second pass and only second time in the ring due to COVID
- 29/02/20 - Metro Obedience Trial - "Blade" wins CCD Class on 92/100 and his first qualifying score and first time in the ring.
- 30/06/18 - Fundraiser Obedience Trial - Warren and "Eli" win Open Obedience on 188pts
- 19/05/18 - GSDCQ Herding Trial - "Gringo" passes his Herding Instinct Test for HIT, "Gisella" and "Gringo" gained their 2 passes in Herding Test and both gain their HT Titles
- 03/09/17 - Redlands Dog Obedience Club Rally Trial - "Lexi" gains her 3rd quallifying score in Rally Novice on 86pts and 3rd place and her Rally Novice Title
- 28/08/17 - All Dogs Sports Spectacular Rally Obedience Trial - "Lexi" gains her second quallifying score in Rally Novice on 91pts
- 27/08/17 - Pine Rivers Obedience Trial .... Warren and "Eli" win Open Class Obedience on 185pts
- Continental Herding Club Trial .... "Fallon" gains her second required pass for her Herding Test Title. "Gisella" and "Gemeka" both pass their Herding Instinct Tests
- 28/07/16 - Ipswich Obedience Trial .... Warren and Eli win Open Class Obedience on 196 pts
- 28/08/16 - Redlands Obedience Club Rally Trial - "Lexi" was entered in the Double Rally today .... no passes as she seemed a little scatty .... will work on her attention for the next one
- 27/08/16 - Continental Herding Club Trial - "Fallon" only today and she easily passed her Instinct Test and her first Herding Test, but went a bit silly and missed out on her second Herding Test pass. Lots of training for her and "Eva" before the herding season starts up again
- 21/08/16 - All Dogs Sports Spectacular Rally Obedience Trial - "Lexi" has her very first time in the trial ring and comes away with a Rally Novice Qualify on 79pts and a 2nd place. She was very distracted with room for improvement before the next trial.
- Nanango Endurance Trial - Warren takes "Lilly" for her ET but sadly she cuts a pad on her foot at the start of the final 6km leg and has to withdraw. Poor "Lilly" ... she now has to wait until next year to do it as this was the last one in Qld for the year.
- 21/05/16 - Logan Dog Obedience Club Trial - Warren and "Eli" qualify 3rd in Open Class on 194pts
- 30/04/16 - Redlands Dog Obedience Club Trial - Warren and "Eli" win Open Class again on 193pts and this is their 3rd qualifying score and also their open Obedience Title. "Eli" is now known as * Ch Astasia Elli CDX. RN. ET. PT 'A''Z' ... now onto UD Training
- 06/02/16 - Logan Dog Obedience Club Trial - Warren and "Eli" win Open Class on 188pts and this is their 2nd qualifying score
- 30/08/15 - Continental Herding Club - final herding trial for the year....and "Eva" passes her Herding Instinct Test at only 7mths on the day. Lots more training over the off season to be ready for the higher levels in 2016
- 25/07/15 - Warren and "Eli" compete in open at Ipswich Dog Obedience Club Trial and place 2nd with their first qualifying score on 196pts under Judge Dot Stutz
- 31/05/15 - Continental Herding Club Double Herding Trial - "Shimmer" completes 2 runs on pre-trial with 2 passes and recieves her PT Title
- 12/04/15 - Belgian Shepherd Club Double Herding Trial - Day 2 ..... "Eli" gains his second pass in Pre-Trial test and gains his PT Title, "Blade" gains a pass in PT as well.
- 11/04/15 - Belgian Shepherd Club Herding Trial - Day 1 .... "Chiquita" in season so she does not compete this week end .....she was not happy. "Eli" has his first run in Pre Trial Test and gains his first pass .... and "Blade" runs in Pre Trial as well but stumbles and hurts himself so has to be withdrawn ....
- 21/09/14 - Southside Obedience Club Double Rally-O Trial - "Jazz" entered both trials and recieved 2 qualify scores on 73/100 & 85/100. This gave "Jazz" her Rally Novice Title (RN) and at the young age of 9.5 years old
- 30/08/14 - Continental Herding Club Double Herding Trial - 5 dogs entered with the following results. "Lexi" - 2 x Pre Trial test passes & PT Title, "Chiquita" - 2 x Pre Trial test passes & PT Title, "Shimmer" - 2 x Herding Test passes & HT Title, "Eli" - 2 x Herding Test passes & HT Title and "Blade" - Herding Instinct test pass plus 2 x Herding Test passes giving him his HIT & HT Titles. "Lexi" now starts training for C Course Boundary and "Chiquita" starts training for A Course
- 24/08/14 - All Dogs Sports Spectacular Rally-O Trial - "Eli" places 2nd in rally Novice on a score of 91/100 and this gives him his RN Title. "Jazz" has her first time out in over 6yrs and places 3rd in Rally Novice on a score of 85/100 (with a 10pt oops from me)
- 03/08/14 - Ipswich Dog Obedience Club - Endurance Test - "Blade" passes the 20km Endurance Test for his ET Title
- 06/07/14 - Metropolitan Dog obedience Club Double Rally-O Trial - "Shimmer" gets her 3rd and final pass for her RN, Rally Novice Title on 73/100, and Warren and "Eli" compete for the first time and come away with their first 2 passes on 79/100 & 78/100.
- 22/06/14 - Southside Obedience Club Rally-O Trial - "Shimmer" passes Rally Novice on a score of 70/100.
- 08/06/14 - Belgian Shepherd Dog Club Double Herding Trial - "Lexi", "Chiquita" & "Lilly" all enter and gain their Herding Instinct Tests and also the 2 passes each required for their Herding Test Titles. Yaah...go girls
- 03/05/14 - Redlands Dog Obedience Club Rally-O Trial - "Shimmer" places 2nd in Rally Novice on a score of 87/100 (10pt deduction by her handler). This was her first time in the obedience ring and her first qualifying pass
- 04/08/13 - Ipswich Dog Obedience Club Endurance Test - "Lexi" passes her 20km Endurance to recieve her ET Title
- 28/10/12 - Ipswich Dog Obedience Club - "Eli" places second in the Novice ring on 197pts for his third pass and his CD Title
- 14/07/12 - GSDCQ Restricted Obedience Trial - "Eli" wins Novice on 190pts for his second pass. This score also gave him an Excellent Medallion. Combined with his Excellent grading in the show ring, "Eli" and Warren were also awarded the Trophy for the Best Performance in Show & Trial
- 15/06/12 - Sunshine Coast Trial - "Eli" wins Novice on 193pts for his first pass in Novice and his very first time in the ring
- 12/10/08 - Caboolture Sweepstakes & Trial - "Monet" wins CCD on 92/100 and gains her forth pass just to make sure.
- 12/10/08 - Nanango Obedience Trial - "Monet" wins CCD on 91/100. This is her third pass and her CCD TITLE
- 11/10/08 - Nanango Obedience Trial - "Monet" wins CCD on 95/100 for her second pass and "Legend" places 2nd in Open after an Oops on the Drop on Recall.
- 28/08/08 - Nanango Obedience Club Endurance Test - "Monet" passes her Endurance test for her ET TITLE.
- 19/07/08 - Bundaberg Double Obedience Trial - Trial #1 - "Starr" places 2nd in UDX on 178NQ with 10pts zero. Trial #2 - "Starr" wins UDX Class, "Legend" places 2nd in Open Class on 191pts and "Monet" wins CCD on 98/100
- 13/04/08 - All Breeds Tracking Trial - "Starr" passes her Track 1 (TD1) with a grading of Very Good
- 02/02/08 - Bundaberg Double Obedience Trial - "Starr" wins UDX in the first trial and places second the next trial. "Legend" was a dag, and "Jazz" puts in a near perfect Novice heeling runout only to forget to come on the recall.
- 05/01/08 - Brisbane Obedience Trial - "Legend" and "Enya" both place third in the 2 Open rings
- 01/12/07 - Sunshine Coast Obedience Trial ... Last trial of the year ... "Starr" wins UDX on 173pts qualifying score and "Legend" wins Open on 190pts. A nice way to end the year.
- 17/11/07 - Metropolitan Trial - "Starr" wins UDX on 176NQ (damn 10pt leather thing again) and "Enya" wins Open on 194pts.
- 10/11/07 - Bundaberg Double Obedience Trial - Trial #1 - "Starr" places 3rd in UDX. Trial #2 - "Starr" places 2nd in UDX, "Jazz" places 3rd in Novice on 182pts and "Legend" places 3rd in Open on 181pts .
- 03/11/07 - Pine Rivers Obedience Trial - "Enya" places 3rd in Open on a qualifying score of 186pts, "Starr" places 3rd in UDX and "Legend" blows his "Sit-Stay" exercise for a zero, on a score of 197pts. Damn that dog somedays !!!!
- 27/10/07 - Ipswich Obedience Trial - "Legend" wins Open 1 on a beauty of a score of 196pts, "Enya" places third on a countback from second on 187pts in the Open 2 ring, and "Starr" places 2nd in the UDX ring.
- 25/08/07 - Lockyer Valley Club Obedience Trial - "Jazz" wins Novice and gains her first qually on 173pts. "Starr" places third in UDX.
- 29/07/07 - Ipswich Obedience Club Endurance Test - "Jazz" passes her Endurance test for her ET Title.
- 22/07/07 - Southside Obedience Sweepstakes - "Jazz" passes her Novice Sweepstakes on a miserable score of 159pts, but a pass none the less. She got a zero on the 30pt exercise when she needed a second command in the "Change of Positions Exercise"
- 21/07/07 - Bundaberg Obedince Trial : "Starr" wins UDX on 186pts in Trial # 1 for her TITLE (Finally). "Legend" wins Open on 190pts in Trial # 2, with "Starr" placing 3rd in UDX in the second trial.
- 14/07/07 - Gympie Obedience Trial : "Starr" places second in both trials in UDX, no quallies for a title, but really nice work. "Enya" wins the Open Class on 188pts in Trial #2, and "Legend" is still a dag, but to quote the Judge's comment on his heeling "... Spectacular Work ..."
- 14/07/07 - German Shepherd Dog Club (Q) Restricted Obedience Trial : "Starr" wins UDX with a QUALIFYING score of 185pts. That makes her 2nd pass, just 1 more to go.
- 06/07/07 - Brisbane Sporting Dog Club Working Trial : "Legend" passes his BH, Schutzhund Obedience and gains his title.
- 30/06/07 - Sunshine Coast Obedience Trial : "Enya" wins Open on 190pts and "Starr" places 3rd on 187pts. In the UDX ring "Starr" places 2nd, and "Legend" is a dag !!!!
- 23/06/07 - Caboolture Sports Club Tracking Trial : "Jazz" passes her Tracking (TQT) Test Qualification Track, and "Starr" misses out on her TD1 due to handler error (Mummy needs to trust her dog !!!!)
- 16/06/07 - Metropolitan Obedience Club Trial : "Starr" wins Open 3 on 188pts and also places 3rd in UDX.
- 10/06/07 - National Obedience Trials : "Enya" qualifies in Open on 175pts.
- 09/06/07 - Queensland State Obedience Trials : "Enya" wins Open 2 on 182pts, plus the Trophy for the "Highest Scoring German Shepherd in Trial" and "Starr" places 3rd in UDX.
- 02/06/07 - Jimboomba Obedience Trial : "Enya" places 3rd in Open on 180pts
- 12/05/07 - Gympie Obedience Trial : "Legend" wins Open on 191pts, "Starr" wins Open Reserve on 191pts and she also places 3rd in UDX.
- 05/05/07 - Redlands Obedience Club Trial : "Legend" wins Open on 189pts and also wins the "Sid Ward Memorial Trophy" for the Highest Scoring Dog. "Starr" won this trophy in 2004 & 2005. "Starr" also wins UDX (still not a qually)
- 28/04/07 - Hervey Bay Double Obedience Trial : Trial #1 - "Starr" places 3rd in UDX, "Legend" places 2nd in Open on 193pts and "Enya" places 4th in the same class on 187pts. Trial #2 - "Starr" places 2nd in UDX, and in the Open class we come home with 1st, 2nd & 3rd in the one ring. "Starr" wins on 195pts, "Legend" is second on 190pts and "Enya" places third on 187pts. An extremely successful outing.
- 01/04/07 - Toowoomba Obedience Club Trial : "Starr" wins UDX with another NQ, but at least this time she managed all 3 of her multiple retrieves. She only missed the Judges Scent Cloth, but with the wind blowing a gale, the scent shifted and she picked up the cloth beside the correct one. So close.......
- 24/03/07 - Brisbane Obedience Club Trial : "Enya" qualifies in 4th place in the Open Class on a score of 182pts.
- 16 & 17/03/07 - Coffs Harbour Obedience Trial, NSW : "Legend" places 3rd in the prestigous Northern NSW Open Obedience Championships on 190pts. He lost a large deduction for "failing to finish" on one of the exercises, so his score would have been alot higher. "Starr" was also sitting on a possible 190pts in the same class, but I had to find a substitute handler for the group exercise and she was not happy with this idea and broke her sit-stay. "Starr" also did 3 great UDX runouts, no quallies, but so, so close.
- 03/03/07 - Metropolitan Obedience Club Trial : "Starr" wins UDX on 168pts with a 2 out of 3 "Oops" on the Multiple Retrieve (that's a 20pt oops). She is working so well, just missing it on that one exercise.
- 23/02/07 - Royal Canberra Show, ACT : "Starr" wins UDX, not a qualify, but some magnificent work, recieving a great report from the Judge. "Legend" places 3rd in the Open Class.
- 06/01/07 - Brisbane Dog Obedience Club Trial : "Starr" wins Open 2 on a score of 194pts and "Legend" wins Open 1 on 195pts.
- 02/12/06 - Sunshine Coast Trial : "Starr" wins UDX, and both "Starr" & "Legend" go down on the Sit-stay group exercise whilst sitting in First place in both Open rings. "Legend" goes from 189pts & first place to NQ and "Starr" goes from 191pts & first place to 3rd place NQ. Must be the end of a long year......
- 18/11/06 - Metro Obedience Trial : "Enya" places second in Open on a score of 191pts.
- 11/11/06 - Redlands Obedience Trial : "Starr" wins Open 2 on 195pts and UDX on 176NQ (that piece of leather again). "Legend" goes down on his sit-stay group exercise in the Open 1 ring, and goes from 191 and first place to 3rd place NQ.
- 04/11/06 - Pine Rivers Obedience Trial : "Starr" wins UDX, but was not her best work.
- 28/10/06 - Ipswich Obedience Trial : "Starr" wins Open on 193pts and also wins UDX.
- 07/10/06 - Logan All Breeds Obedience Trial : "Starr" wins UDX with 169pts (with a zero, damb that piece of leather) and she also wins Open on 193pts.
- 30/09/06 - Gold Coast Obedience Trial : "Starr" wins UDX with 176pts and her FIRST pass. She also wins Open on 194pts.
- 23/09/06 - Hervey Bay Club, Trial 2 : "Starr" wins UDX. In the Open ring "Starr" wins on 194pts, "Enya" places 2nd on 190pts and "Legend" places 3rd on 183pts.
- 23/09/06 - Hervey Bay Club, Trial 1 : "Jazz" wins CCD on 96/100 and gains her title. "Starr" wins UDX with a score of 178NQ, & "Enya" places 2nd in the Open ring
- 10/09/06 - Working Dog Club (Q) Herding Trial : "Jazz" passes her 2nd Test for her Herding Test title, and gains her HT.
- 09/09/06 - Working Dog Club (Q) Herding Trial : "Starr" competes in Started A Course (sheep) and comes 2nd with a score of 65/100 NQ. The pass mark is 60/100 but she lost 1 point more than she was allowed on one obstacle. "Jazz" passes her 1st Test for her Herding Test title.
- 02/09/06 - Redcliffe Obedience Trial : "Starr" places 2nd on a countback from 1st in Open Bitch on 188pts, places 2nd in UDX (almost got it), and wins the trophy for the Highest Scoring GSD in Trial. "Legend" qualifies in Open Dog on 180pts. "Jazz" misses out on a CCD pass by mowing the grass on her sit-stay.
- 29/07/06 - GSD Main Breed Evaluation, Newcastle : "Scaddan" wins Novice on 186pts and places 2nd in the Winner of Winners runoff
- 22/07/06 - Bundaberg Obedience Club, Trial 2 : "Scaddan" wins Novice on 194pts and gains his Novice Title. "Enya" wins Open on 183pts.
- 22/07/06 - Bundaberg Obedience Club, Trial 1 : "Scaddan" places third in Novice.
- 15/07/06 - Gympie Obedience Club, Trial 2 : "Starr" and "Legend" qualify in Open, taking 1st and 2nd places on 193pts and 192pts consecutively. "Starr" places 2nd in UDX (We'll get it right soon)
- 15/07/06 - Gympie Obedience Club, Trial 1 : "Jazz: qualifies in CCD on 88/100pts and a 2nd place, "Starr" places 2nd in UDX, and "Legend" places 3rd in Open on 187pts.
- 08/07/06 - Caboolture Obedience Club : "Scaddan" qualifies in Novice Obedience on 194pts & 1st Place. "Starr" places 2nd in UDX.
- 01/07/06 - Sunshine Coast Obedience Club : "Jazz" qualifies in Community Companion Class (CCD) on 98/100 pts and a 1st Place. "Starr" gets 2nd place in UDX on 164pts but no NQ exercises.
- 03/06/06 - Jimboomba Dog Obedience Club : "Starr" qualifies in Open Obedience on 195pts & 1st Place
- 07/05/06 - All Breeds Tracking Club : "Starr" qualifies on a Tracking Test Track
- 30/04/06 - German Shepherd Dog Club Herding Trial : "Jazz" passes second test for her Herding Instinct Certificate & HIC Title
- 29/04/06 - German Shepherd Dog Club Herding Trial : "Starr" qualifies in Herding Started A Course (Sheep) with a score of 87/100, 1st Place and High in Trial. "Jazz" passes first test for her Herding Instinct Certificate
- 28/04/06 - Brisbane Sporting Dog Club : "Starr" Passes her BH Schutzhund Obedience and wins Best BH.
- 08/04/06 - Gold Coast Obedience Club : "Scaddan" qualifies in Novice Obedience on 191pts and 1st Place
- 04/03/06 - Metropolitan Obedience Club : "Starr" qualifies in Open Obedience on 187pts
- 11/02/06 - Brisbane Dog Obedience Club : "Scaddan" qualifies in Novice Sweepstakes on 183pts & 1st Place