Welcome to our photo album.
Here is a collection of photos of the dogs working stock. We hope you enjoy.
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"Dano" working sheep in his Instinct Test (Nov 2003)
"Sierra" working sheep in her Instinct Test (Nov 2003)
"Starr" working sheep in her Instinct Test (Nov 2003)
"Starr" working Sheep in Training (2004)
"Carson" working sheep in an A Course Started Trial (2005) Nice and steady.
"Starr" heading of to collect the sheep (May 2005). Just a little too fast.
"Jazz" working in her Herding Instinct Test (April 2006)
"Starr" working A Course Started Trial (August 2006)
"Jazz" working in her Herding Test (August 2006)
"Shimmer" passing her Instinct Test (April 2009)
"Shimmer" herding (April 2009)
"Starr" qualifying in HSAs and winning High in Trial (June 2009)
"Starr" heading out to start her HSAs run (June 2009)
Chiquita passing her HT (June 2014)- CSteele Photography
Lilly passing her HT (June 2014)
Lilly passing HT (June 2014)
Lexi passing HT (June 2014)
Lexi passing HT (June 2014)