*Ch Castastar Blade 'A'Z'
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This page is just for "Blade" (Castastar Blade) from our second litter. He is out of Ch * Astasia Cinnamon ET HIT 'A''Z' BSCl.1 Exc Merit / Multi Exc and BISS * Zony von Haus Gerstenberg a.N Ed.N BSCl.1 (Imp Gmy). A repeat mating of the "A" Litter that produced the stunning "Lexi" (Castastar Alexi).
Whelped 14 March 2012
Blade is surveyed and available for stud
6 days old
3.5wks...what a cutie
4wks of age peeking out of the whelping box
Being stacked for his first stand at 4wks
"Chilling out" at 4.5wks
7wks of age
Natural Stand at 7wks
10wks - what a cheeky boy
15wks old...and grown lots of leg
4mths at his first Specialty Shows, 2 x 2nd under Mr M Bradley (NZ) & Mr J Summerhill (UK)
6mths of age winning Minor Puppy Seiger at the 2012 Qld State Breed Evaluation
6.5mths - ACT GSD Specialty - 3rd & 2nd Minor Puppy Dog - Judges Herr Dieter Oeser SV (Gmy) & Sgn Francesco Capelli (Ity)
10mths old
17mths old
At Survey at nearly 2yrs of age
At Survey
At Survey
Doing the "All Breeds" thing
"All Breeds" showing at just over 3yrs
New Australian Champion