Aust Ch Castastar Blade 'A''Z' CD. ET. PT. BSCl.2 "Blade" |
We welcome "Blade"
2012 QLD Minor Puppy Seiger Multi Specialty Class Winner All Breeds Class in Group Winner Endurance Test - ET Title Herding Instinct Test - HIT Herding Test Title - HT Australian Championship Title Community Companion Obedience - CCD
Blade is from Shimmy's second litter to Zony...a repeat of the our stunning girl "Lexi"
We look forward to watching him grow
Following in his mother, Shimmy, and big sisters', Lexi and Keisha's, footsteps, Blade is the 2012 Minor Puppy Seiger
* * * * * * *
Critique from his 1st Specialty Show -
4 mths. Presents a very pleasing overall picture in stance, excellent proportions, very good back and croup, very good hindquarters, very good chest development and underline, praiseworthy forehand for a baby, good expressive head but would like the head a little bit stronger, strong bones, feet a little splayed, sound away and in front, good hind thrust, firm back, high wither, free front reach.
Judge : Mr J Summerhill (UK)
* * * * * * *
Critique from Qld State Breed -
6mths. Very good sized, masculine young dog, excellent head for his age, very good planes of the foreface, pigment is very good as is the eye colour, stands with high withers, firm straight back, very good croup just a tick short, very good fore and hindquarter angulation, stands correct in front with straight bones, very good fore and underchest development, steps correct going and coming, very good far reaching gait during which overall firmness is convincing and shows a correct sequence of steps.
Judge : Mr Barry O'Rourke
* * * * * * *
Photos taken at nearly 2yrs of age at Survey |
Pedigree for Aust Ch Castastar Blade 'A''Z' CD. ET. PT. BSCl.2 |
: German Shepherd Dog |
by : Mandy Doyle |
by : Warren Doyle |
of Birth :
by : Warren Doyle |
Name : Blade |
for stud :
Sire :
BISS * Zony v Haus Gerstenberg SchIII a N. ED N. (Imp Gmy) Exc Merit |
* Sony von der neudenauer Holzsteige Sch III, ED Normal (Gmy) |
* Ando vom Altenberger Land Sch III (Gmy) |
* Yan vom Schloss Rosenfels SchI (Gmy) |
* Daulokke's Yaffa Sch III (Gmy) |
* Apso vom lechtal Sch III IPO I (Gmy) |
* Daulokke's Yuppie BHP 3 (Gmy) |
: Ch & N.Ch * Astasia Cinnamon RN ET PT 'A''Z' Multi Exc / Exc Merit |
2008 NSW Seiger * Cayos von der Noriswand (Imp Gmy) 'a' normal ED normal Sch I H-neg Exc Merit |
* Janos v d Noriswand Sch III (Gmy) |
* Babette v d Noriswand Sch I (Gmy) |
* Astasia Grayce 'A''Z' Exc Merit |
* Astasia Keeton 'A''Z' |
* Astasia Ginger 'A''Z' |
- 14-Jun-15 Challenge Dog & CHAMPIONSHIP TITLE
Won at Queensland Kennel club (Judge was Mrs C Stoate (Vic))
- 13-Jun-15 Challenge Dog & R/up Best of Breed
Won at Quuensland Kennel Club (Judge was Mrs J Whitehead)
- 30-May-15 Challenge Dog and R/Up Best of Breed
Won at Lockyer Valley Kennel Club (AM Show) (Judge was Mr R Cleland (SA))
- 30-May-15 Challenge Dog
Won at Lockyer Valley Kennel Club (PM Show) (Judge was Mr R Bridgford (Vic))
- 26-Apr-15 Challenge Dog
Won at Durack Grounds Amenities Show (Judge was Mrs C Cederman (NZ))
- 25-Apr-15 Challenge Dog & Best Of Breed
Won at Junior Kennel Club - Show 1 (Judge was Mr C Fynmore (NSW))
- 25-Apr-15 Challenge Dog & R/Up of Breed
Won at Junior Kennel Club - Show 2 (Judge was Mrs S Bownds (NSW))
- 31-Dec-14 Best of Breed
Won at Lockyer Valley Kennel Club (Judge was Mrs J Mannell)
- 26-Oct-14 Challenge Dog & R/up of Breed
Won at Dog of the Year Support Show (Judge was Miss L Thompson (Canada))
- 11-Oct-14 Best of Breed
Won at Waterloo Bay AM Show (Judge was Mr G Love (SA))
- 6-Oct-14 Best of Breed
Won at Maree / Beaudesert Kennel Club (Judge was Ms P de Coning (Sth Afr))
- 5-Oct-14 Best of Breed
Won at Maree / Beaudesert Kennel Club (Judge was Mrs Z Salijevic (Sweden))
- 5-Oct-14 Best of Breed
Won at Maree / Beaudesert Kennel Club # 2 (Judge was Mr P Lawless (Ireland))
- 4-Oct-14 Best of Breed
Won at Maree / Beaudesert Kennel Club (Judge was Mrs J Lawless (Ireland))
- 28-Sep-14 Best of Breed
Won at Western Suburbs Kennel Club (Judge was Mrs M Martin (Vic))
- 30-Aug-14 Herding Instinct Test Pass - HIT
Won at Continental Herding Club Trial 1 (Judge was Mr P Mayne)
- 30-Aug-14 Herding Test Pass 1
Won at Contental Herding Club Trial 1 (Judge was Mr P Mayne)
- 30-Aug-14 Herding Test Pass 2 & HT Title
Won at Contental Herding Club Trial 2 (Judge was Mrs A Mitchell)
- 3-Aug-14 Endurance Test Pass & ET TITLE
Won at Ipswich Obedience Club (Judge was Mr B Nobbs)
- 21-Oct-12 1st Minor Puppy Dog (graded Very Promising)
Won at Working Dog Club (Q) GSD Specialty (Judge was Mr L. Donald)
- 20-Oct-12 1st Minor Puppy Dog (graded Very Promising)
Won at Ipswich Kennel Club # 2 (GSD Specialty) (Judge was Mrs C O'Rourke)
- 30-Sep-12 2nd Minor Puppy Dog (Very Promising)
Won at ACT German Shepherd Specialty (Judge was Sgn Francesco Capelli (Ity))
- 29-Sep-12 3rd Minor Puppy Dog (Very Promising)
Won at ACT German Shepherd Specialty (Judge was Herr Dieter Oeser SV (Gmy))
- 23-Sep-12 Minor of Breed & BEST MINOR IN GROUP
Won at Maree Kennel Club (Judge was Mr J Fenner (WA) Breed Specialist)
- 16-Sep-12 2012 MINOR PUPPY SEIGER, (graded Very Promising)
Won at GSDCQ State Breed Evaluation (Judge was Mr Barry O'Rourke)
- 29-Jul-12 1st Baby Dog
Won at Ladies Kennel Association (Judge was Miss B Watt (Vic))
- 28-Jul-12 1st Baby Dog
Won at Ladies Kennel Association (Judge was Mr M Johnston (NSW))
- 15-Jul-12 2nd Baby Dog (graded Very Promising)
Won at GSDCQ Specialty Show (Judge was Mr J Summerhill (UK))
- 14-Jul-12 2nd Baby Dog (graded Very Promising)
Won at GSDCQ Specialty Show (Judge was Mr M Bradley (NZ))
- 24-Jun-12 2nd Baby Dog
Won at Beenleigh & District Kennel Club (Judge was Mr L Jeuson (Malaysia))
- 23-Jun-12 3rd Baby Dog
Won at Beenleigh & District Kennel Club (Judge was Mr Trai Chin-Fa (Taiwan))
- 17-Jun-12 1st Baby Dog
Won at Queensland Kennel Council (Judge was Mrs H Weil (Q))